1.18: Tin Man


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2000

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Who knew that they weren't real for most of the episode. I did feel kinda of sorry for those replicas. They were real with real memories. I wouldn't want to live there if I were the robot part. I give it a 7 1/2 out of 10.
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There is another MacGyver alum in this episode. <G>
I'm kind of hoping that the android Sam comes up with a way to power themselves up so that they can leave the planet. Can you imagine them running into themselves somewhere else?

Again I'm amazed at the emotion that RDA can show in his face. When he looks back towards his double at the end, it kind of breaks your heart because you just know what he's feeling about having to leave a part of himself stranded there. He shows great empathy.


The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

I actually really enjoyed this ep and would probably give it 9/10. It was a really interesting idea although feasiblity questionable.
But.. yes i do hope we meet the replicas again, perhaps they could be useful for the SGC somehow.

Great ep though.

Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
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I dare say that this is one of my favourite episodes ever.....
I have seen Harlan in a movie before, he plays this guy that protects this kid that's imitating this other kid.... confusing

I can't believe that they left the replicas back on the planet it tore me apart......
Harlan has a great sense of humour doesn't he?
With the replica's being "better" why didn't they leave the gate open to send the other Carter new technologys and information for her to work on. This could greatly improve earths knowledge and weapons.
I think they may have covered it up. Not sure if hammond would have allowed it either. But i agree it would have been a good idea and perhaps if sam ever gets in lots of trouble they will use it
I don't see why they buried their Stargate (By the way what does burying mean?) Afterall SGC could have just changed their codes etc.
burying means exatly what is usually means. They make it so that Gate doesn't work. And they did it because that place is a security risk to the SGC.
Originally posted by MythingLink
I'm kind of hoping that the android Sam comes up with a way to power themselves up so that they can leave the planet. Can you imagine them running into themselves somewhere else?

yeah, I wonder if that will ever happen ;)
A more personal question...

I think the most fun question in my mind after watching Tin Man is, "How would I have handled being placed in that situation?"

I mean, living for a very long time sounds like it would be very interesting, provided that there were interesting things to learn and see and do... and interesting people to communicate with.

But it would be chilling to realize that a different identical copy of yourself is living your life instead of you, and that by your very existence, you are a security risk to their safety.

And I think I would have had to thwap Harlan upside the head after a few centuries; our personalities would *not* match well in close quarters. Think about it... he is the last survivor of his civilization not because he was brave enough to go through the gate, or smart enough to design the whole system, but only because he was conservative/afraid/simple enough to be satisfied with his robot existence and to keep things together with the alien equivalent of duct tape, WD-40 and baling wire...

If I was part of the SG-1 robot team, and our Stargate had to be buried, my priorities would be (1) learn more about, repair and then optimize the station's systems so they wouldn't require so much maintenance.
That would eventually free up more time to (2) learn everything possible about the native culture and (3) perfect the power source technology so the planet could be explored for any unused resources.
After that (and I'm betting that that would take enough years that most of the confidential Earth information I knew would be out of date enough not to be a concern any more...), I'd choose between (4) figuring out how to do non-stargate space travel and (5) contacting Earth via probes through the gate to volunteer my services for exploration and research, assuming that the planet hadn't been leveled by hostiles by that point...

Anybody else have other ideas?
-- Adele
boy, you've really thought about it haven't you. I guess it's better than whining and crying for six thousand years.:D
Just watched this episode last night (new to the series, just bought seasons one and two on DVD) and I loved it. The obvious conflict all of the characters faced and how they hated the idea of leaving themselves stranded...and I loved how fascinated Daniel was, even before he realized human Daniel was still around. He was just...so excited. Like a little kid playing with a new toy, only he was the toy. And I cracked up when Sam met Sam and they were talking about how identical they were right down to the mole on their....hmmm think we ever find out where that mole is?

Favorite part though is when the two Jacks are talking and the real Jack says "The Daniels are talking about how fascinating everything is and the Sams are already arguing" ...don't think that is quite exact, but it's so...perfect. This may be one of my favorite episodes so far.
If you liked this episode, you should check out Double Jeopardy in Season 4. Season 4 is available on DVD in the US and Canada now, which I am sure you know :)
I have only been able to buy seasons one and two so far. I'll probably buy the other two next month. :) Now...where are seasons 5 and 6? :D
5 is prolly coming in December or January, and Six is going to be in syndication soon, so MGM can't release it until it's syndi run ends. I am predicting it'll be out early/mid summer of next year.

Welcome to the club, Gryphon. You'll be happy to know that as far as the DVDs go, they get better and better as the seasons go on. Season 3 has a BIT better video transfers, and Season 4 has even better video transfers and commentary for all of the episodes. As you know, all season except One have 5.1 tracks, and they are pretty good. Have fun with the DVDs.