It occured to me that the whole situation was Jack's fault.
You're an Air Force Colonel who, along with your team, is on the home turf of people you now know to be completely ruthless and exploitative of their own people. You:
1. Make nice to their leader, get your people home to safety, and then, recommend you don't think diplomatic relations are a good idea because these folks ENSLAVE their own people, or
2. Get on your moral high horse in the Big Bad's office. Start spouting off about how rotten you think they are and how you're just too good to associate with them.
Remember, this is a highly advanced civilization and it's just you and 3 others. You're outnumbered, outarmed, and generally in a position of weakness, not strength.
So naturally Jack picked option 2. This is just another example of the Season 4 lobotomy TPTB gave Jack. IRL he would have been court martialed for egregious stupidity.
Also, the shipper moments were some of the least convincing I've ever seen.
On the positive side, MS looked good in that tunic.