What's your favorite?


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
There are several different mediums through which someone can represent sf/f...so which is your favorite?

Book (Novel, Novella, Short Story, etc.)
Film - Movie
Film - TV Series
Art (Drawing, etc.)
*Plus any others you can think of...

I like "books" the best.
For me (despite being a lover of all things cinematic) it's still (and probably forever shall be) the book. The doorway into imagination still lies in the traditional written word :)
I enjoy the films and if only they could come up with a version of Star Wars along the lines Final Fantasy....:D

In the end we always return to books.:D
It all beagn with books for me, and I'm an extreme bibliophile so I have to go with books. I love the visual work too thoguh. But often they remove the need for imagination and just sppon feed it you. I like to be able to speculate about my speculative fiction. ;) That means sci fi and fantasy= Both are better in print for me.
it definately has to be books :D nothing beats them but movies do come in a really close second ;)
Books. That's because you can take a book anywhere, anytime. Technology is pretty good (they've got those tiny TVs and all), but you just can't get comfortable with a book like you can with any other medium. Also, reading a book lets you imagine what characters, places, and items look like. You can go at your own pace. You can go back and re-read easily if you missed something or want to refresh your memory.

Yeah. Books.:)
Another 'extreme bibliophile' here, to borrow Elysium's phrase. :cool:

When it comes to length , which was part of your question, I really cannot generalise. I like a story that is as long as it should be, neither longer nor shorter. :D
Books, with film a close second - but only if it's done well enough with not TOO many discrepancies...

And I prefer seeing the film before I read the book...because although I end up with a mental picture of what the characters look like, I'm less likely to be disappointed in the book than if I see how much ahs been left out/changed/misinterpreted...LOTR is an example...I saw The Fellowship before reading the book, so the book filled in the gaps. But the Two Towers I saw after reading it...and spent three hours of misery because of the changes...Elves in Helm's Deep?? Faramir?? Don't get me started...:rolleyes: :D
my fav would of course be books, followed very closely by video games. being in grade 12, i have a lot free times on my hands. I also wish to become a stroy boarder for a company that creates RPG's, the best style of games, in my opinion, that ever grace the world. Then games are followed by table top games, like D&D and Wahammer. oh yeah, each that troll a lesson. now that i think about, table top and video games are tied. they are equally great :p
Books, of course, impinge better on the imagination.

But sometimes you just have to see the details and scale that only film can bring. :)
For me the book is unbeatable!
Your imagination has no boundries and you can visualise things in your own way, this makes the act of reading a very personal and individual experience to everyone. Although I like watching films I prefare to read the book first and the problem with this I have found is when a book is portrayed in film they often do not represent the charecters the same way that you see them and that for me spoils the film.
My second favoret Is art! I love fantasy artwork!
SDNess said:
There are several different mediums through which someone can represent sf/f...so which is your favorite?

Book (Novel, Novella, Short Story, etc.)
Film - Movie
Film - TV Series
Art (Drawing, etc.)
*Plus any others you can think of...

I like "books" the best.

Im going to deviate from the norm a bit here.

For Fantasy I love the written word, but for Sci-Fi I prefer film or TV series.
Why? Im not really sure. Its just the way it is! :)
I like artwork an awful lot, but the book is the most pure medium, in the sense that I can read the authors words and translate them in my mind to complete the vision. A film is usually someone elses interpretation and the work is watered down or downright adulterated.
For fantasy its definatly books followed by films followed by art.

SF wise - i don't like reading science fiction (and i haven't read much), but i like watching films, and i don't know much sf art. So sf its films only.
Books, gotta be books... Nope, nothing but the books... If I've read a book that is made into a film, I will ALWAYS hate it... ;)

The books open up your imagination... They help you see things better... You learn more about the motivations of the characters...

Occasionally, I'll enjoy a movie... But only if it isn't a book that I've read... Like Predator... And Aliens... And Hawk The Slayer... And a few others...

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