1.17: Through the Looking Glass


Frelling Wicked
Oct 8, 2000
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Moya, frightened by the crew's discussions of leaving her due to her lessened abilities because she is pregnant, goes into starburst to prove she is able, and she isn't. She gets stuck in starburst, and divides up into four Moyas: the original, one of sight, sound, and really bad jokes by Rygel and Chiana (ignore the green slob :rolly2:).

John proves he is becoming more capable in his new world by finding a solution, with the help of an unusual alien. :alienooh:
This one was great. After the bickering that had to, inevitably, be written into the scripts due to the characters backgrounds and differences, it was great to see the crew come together for once. The entire episode, including the last scene, was terrific. And to see Crichton finally seem to get a grip on the fact that he might be there for a long time was good.

Chiana is a new piece in the puzzle. I am not sure whether I like her character yet. She does seem to understand Moya's DRD's, though!
Yeah, I liked this one, too. It was nice to get a bottle episode after everyone being tricked into thinking they'd found Earth. :alienooh: And what a bottle... there were four.

I love how John found the doorways between the Moyas... that little-boy curiosity is still intact, even though his innocence isn't. :( I liked how TPTB displayed the differences between species by how each Moya-world affected John, D'Argo, Aeryn and Chiana. Where John and D'Argo were ill in one, Chi felt fine, but where John and Aeryn were inconveniently deafened in another, Chi nearly died. :eek: But everyone became addicted to bad jokes in Rygel's yellow Moya. :lol:

I also loved the interaction between John and Aeryn, deepening the relationship they'd been developing since The Flax and setting up the closer bond they share in ABL, N, and FT. :D I know, I'm a hopeless shipper :blush: but I view all the early eps with the future relationships in mind. Even the friendships.

Besides, this is when John first uses Chi's only real nickname, Pip (which, I read, is Ben's nickname for Gigi ;).) I love John's nicknames for everyone, including Blue, Big D, Heavy D, and Baby.

We also get to see some more tech improvisation by Aeryn in this eppy. She keeps earning more respect from John this way, which goes a long way toward strengthening their relationship. The other women we've seen him "with" up to this point have technical backgrounds (Alex and Gillina) and I think John likes women with big brains. :rolly2:

See? More shippy thoughts... someone please stop me! ;)
Then you must have been happy with the scene when Aeryn told Crichton that she was looking for a way out; she didn't know if he'd come back. Crichton told her as they were listening to each other across Moya on headphones, "I'd never leave you.":kisses:
Well, of course I did! :D This eppy comes right after A Human Reaction... so of course he'd never leave her... at least, not at this time.

Have you seen the UK version (or the DVD) of AHR? It more clearly explains the deepening attachment between John and Aeryn (in spite of Aeryn's not wanting to talk about what happened on "Earth") :D

I love all the shippy stuff! I actually have that sound bite you mentioned programmed into my computer :blush:
Y'all computer geniuses! I'm doing good to use the smilies . . . :lol:

What about "what happened on Earth"? Do you mean when John's memories were stolen? There is nothing for those of us who haven't seen the DVD's to know whether the other members of Moya knew what was happening when John was mind traveling, or whether they participated in the "dream."

Do tell!!!:rolly2:
For more info on AHR, go to that thread... I'll let you know all about it there. :)
:disgust: Yeah, it kind of was gross... but I wonder...

When Moya fused back into one version, did the barf go with? I mean, John wasn't off of the ship, he was just in one part of it...

Gross, I know, but I still wonder... :erm:
i would have stayed with rygel . sounds like he got the better deal out of the whole ship . man would have been such a laugh lolollo
Ryg really was pretty adorable in this one. And what happened to Aeryn's prowler?
Apparently, as the creature "tried to break through" to our crew's reality (or so they thought), it ripped through the nose of Aeryn's prowler. I guess all that damage was reversed when the Moyas fused back together... the creature was trying to repair the damage Starburst causes, so maybe it repaired all ruptures in space/time. :rolleyes:

That would be my explanation... anyone got a better one?
Well, just an idea..

What if the weird starburst alien was ripping things outta the blue, red and yellow moya and putting them on the original.. kinda like putting all the things back on the one moya so the others wont be there.. or something..

I liked the little song thingy rygel sang here about going backwards.. i love the little guy.. he'd kick kermits ass anyday..
Kermit is the green frog muppet right? otherwise i just made a real eema (sp?) outta myself (thanks to pkgrl for explaining the words to me)
Yeah, that's Kermit all right.

But watch what you say about him. Brian Henson grew up with the little green guy and has some fun stories about him, too.

Ryg would kick his eema, though. He's one tough little Hynerian. ;)

Anyhow.. the actual episode kicked ass (eema, never gonna stop using these words now..) and its good to see that Critchon is finally becoming 'problem-solver' guy rather than 'dazed and confuzed' guy..
I like "problem solver John," too. ;) And the "problem solver Aeryn" is an awesome counterpart. She did her fair share of thinking about the problem in this episode even before John found her and told her about the "doorways" between the various Moyas. She even impressed John with the modified headsets. :D

We need new action figures with these names. Instead of only having a "mutant Aeryn" we could have "problem solver Aeryn" and "ready for action Aeryn" with gun drawn. ;)

Id like to see a toy of Critchon that twin's.. thats be cool (should i put that in a spoiler, im assuming everyone has seen the episode/season this refers too)
It's kind of a spoiler, (we do have Aussie fans who haven't seen them all), but it's vague enough that I don't think it'll matter.

Why don't you start a thread in General Discussions about what Farscape toys we'd like to see? I think it'd be fun.

(And this thread can get back on topic. ;))
Another episode I really enjoyed. I loved the differences between each Moya. How they were so distinct, and how each character got trapped in a different one that seemed to fit their personality.

As usual, Crichton saved the day and got no recognition for it. *sigh* But this was a great ep. nonetheless. I loved the scenes between John and Aeryn. When she was rattling off the sequence for full reverse especially. :)

Another favorite moment was D'Argo trying to say the word Mississippi. :D I laughed my head off during that whole scene, priceless.

I missed 'Durka Returns' so I didn't get the chance to see Chiana's introduction, but I loved her exchanges with Rygel. They were great together. John talking her into going to find him was good too; 'This is one of the good days.' Isn't that the truth. :)

I liked how Pilot seemed so confused by the fact that they were 'so jovial' after their near-miss. It was good to see them all having a moment's peace for once.

A few questions from this ep:

Do the aliens ever make another appearance on the show? I'd love to see the crew running into them again, but I guess they'd have to get stuck in Starburst once more for that to happen.

So, Aeryn still contains some information from her DNA manipulation? I'm surprised that wasn't mentioned sooner.
