McCaffrey, Anne: Interview?


System Lord of
Jul 21, 2000
Mything, you interviewed her? Lets have a transcript then :)
Ah wish that I could. A little history lesson. ;)

In the middle of October of 1998 we moved from Washington, D.C. to Tennessee. In November of 1997, my husband was shipped to Korea for a year. What this accomplished was that only really necessary things were unpacked from the boxes they were moved in -- dishes, bedding, clothing, etc. Books, video tapes, all of our games (role-playing, strategy, and board), miscellaneous paperwork, photo albums, etc. were left packed in the boxes they were moved in. My husband came home from Korea in November 1998. Two weeks later our water heater burst flooding the basement. I'm just thankful that it waited until he got home to do that. The upshot is that anything in the boxes at the bottom of the stacks was forever turned to mush and as luck would have it, one of those boxes was from my days working at a public access TV station for whom I did the interview for. It's been so long ago, I don't even know if the TV station would still have a copy of the tape. The good news is that the books she autographed for me weren't destroyed.

I do remember her as a very educated, intelligent, charming woman who didn't seem to mind all the chaos that was going on around her with people dressed up as their favorite movie characters running around the place. She seemed to find it great fun. It amazed me that she even attended. It was a relatively small convention, in Salt Lake City, Utah ... not the convention center of the world by any means. She was a gracious host who made us feel at home in her hotel room always putting us at ease when mistakes were made with the camera and we had to reshoot something.

arr what a story. When this place gets popular that we can ask her for an interview :)
Yes, and you could be the interviewer again. Sort of like old times.

I am glad with the net and all that people still have time to read books... you know the old fashioned way of communicating long distance with people! But books last over time unlike net chatter! I am glad that yours and their autographs survived!
Books will always be my first love. ;)

Being brought up in a home where books were always seen in the hands of someone, it was only natural that I should pick them up as soon as I started to learn how to read. It was the one thing my parents did nurture.

Even with the computer revolution and the beginning of ebooks, I don't think I'll ever think of them the same way as I do print books. It just isn't the same.

Besides it's kind of difficult to curl up in bed to read an ebook on a computer. ;)

We are as two peas from the same pod on this one Mythinglink! I find that there is something freeing about a book that will enhance concentration and let the mind explore at the same time. It a sensual pleasure (the touch, feel, and smell of books)and a mental one!

The one major difference would be cultural. In New England,
and in my family particularly, one person would read, usually my grandmother, while the rest of us would work. That is how the Bible and Koran were both first heard by me. My son still loves to be read to and he is thirteen! We started him out early, before he was born, hearing books. The one he remembers more that any other is the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. He was just four and was absolutely goggle eyed when Joe and I started to read that to him!

[Edited by jsc on 10-26-2000 at 06:48 AM]
16, I might be, but I know what you're saying. Reading is a true love for me.
Love to read.

I Looove reading anything that's not a school textbook.
Anne McCaffrey is my fave Author at the moment. Love reading about Pern and the Dragons
and Weyrs. Lessa is my fave carachter. Who's your fave?

[Edited by Asmiley on 02-08-2001 at 08:04 PM]
F'lar's, bronze,Mnemnoth, Lessa's queen, Flor's Brown, Mirrim's Path, Jaxom's Ruth and of course the fire lizzards!
With purple hair? Mnenoth would be rumbling!

YOur Gifs are great!
Asmiley, thought I'd catch up with you here.
Yeah, Lessa's a good female character my favorite. Do you have a favorite male character? Mine would of been Robinton, but the others are also good.
Dragons! I like dragons. They are probably the reason I read the books in the first place, first was 'White Dragon'.
As far as the dragons go, my faves are Ramoth for the queens, Canth for the males, and Menolly's Fire-lizard fair.
I would have a fire-lizard too, but I'd have to be greedy and say a bronze like Zaire (Can't remember the others).
Ooh, I'm going OTT with this, but I used to imagine Dragaonrider fan-fics, and did what I like with my characters. I wouldn't go as far as to make myself a Dragonrider, I get enough of a personal feeling by dealing with my characters in my own way.
For a name? I'd have to change my current one, or else get people's tounges twisted. Wait, female riders don't change their names, do they?, Lessa didn't, nor Mirrim.
Unless I'll start a new thread here, are there any particluar points in Dragonrider books that just stick in your head, for the character's events, etc?
My Favorite part of the series so far is when Lessa is standing up for the Ruath hold and pointing out her bloodline. She doesn't realize yet that Fax really did have a son. IMO that is the most memorable part. That is my fav book of the series too. Dragon Rider is the one that focus's on Lessa as the Main Carachter. I love the fact that Lessa can talk to all the dragons. :) I found it intersting when Lessa realized she could go into the past. The White Dragon was an interesting swing on the story. It really threw in a touch of equality amongst the people in the weyrs. Made it a little more of a classless society.

JSC- thanks. :)
Zaire, Robinton's bronze fire lizard seemed to be the best of the fire lizards! Now I am going to have to find the books again. And re-read. But I have several to get through first as my brother just found some christmas presents(books) he forgot to give me.

The Weirs were out of the picture because of the four hundred year gap between Thread falls. I liked that they had to rebuild! Lessa was a favorite but I still liked F'lar's Mnenoth,( bronze) best...he had a sense of humor!

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