Sci Fi Trivia!

Ok, since nobody seems to know the answer, it is porcuswine. Moving on, here's a fantasy question for a change:

What is the name of the type of artifact that allows people from the Wheel of Time series to travel in the realm of dreams? A hint: I've no idea how it is pronounced.
I believe you are talking about ter'angreal.:)
In the paperback's there is a glossary of words with their pronunciations.:D
Another fantasy question:

What is the name of the character in Alan Dean Foster's "Spellsinger" that wakes up in a different world?
Indeed, The Wub. A Scanner Darkly , in my opinion would have to be the most entertaining novel I've read. The short stories are freakin' eeeeeexzcellent though!!!
erickad71 said:
Another fantasy question:

What is the name of the character in Alan Dean Foster's "Spellsinger" that wakes up in a different world?
Jonathan Thomas Merriweather or Jon-Tom :D

I'll not ask the next question since there is another one out there posted by Adkhaw waiting for an answer.
The test to be given to an intellegence (for lack of a better word) to determine if it is truly independently intellegent and rational and sentient (i.e. on a par with humans). There's a reference in 2001 that HAL could take the test and pass, I think.

So what do I win?

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