Overall, has this season left you elated, dissappointed, or just feeling neutral?


Nov 2, 2000
Personally, I am neutral on this season. So far for ever episode i love, there is a following one that i hate.
I was wondering how other roswell fans felt about it?

This season has left me disappointed in quality and where the show seems to be heading. But I'm not a writer or one of the writers for the show and I cannot presume to know where they're going with it.
I've enjoyed most of the eps, End of the World still moves me to tears. I still look forward ot each new ep and that is whats important. So, while not completely pleased, I can't say I'm estatic either. Does this make me neutral? I don't know. I still enjoy the show.
neutral. I've enjoyed many episodes this season but as I've mentioned they are missing the mark with emotions. EOTW was excellent. Of course, all episodes can't be that emotionally driven but it would help if they continued the last thought on an episode to the first one on the next. The ups & downs of Maria with no hint of emotional continuity are driving me crazy at this point.

So far, there's not really one episode I've hated or regretted watching but some have left me wanting or flatline.
Well, i've missed most of Season 1 and now that I am hooked i don't want to miss any second season episodes. So far, it is pretty well written. The story that I am disappointed about is when Liz had to pretend that something happened between her and Kyle. I feel sorry for Max and I don't want Max to fall for Thess and it seems like it's going in that direction. Well, I guess that will make me keep on watching this series. I want Max and Liz together again.
Im a little disappointed in this seasons, i guess im just not into all the new sci-fi stuff...last season not only was there the romance but just about every episode was hilarious. Maria and Michael just cracked me up!!! I also want Liz and Max back together...but then again this whole seperation thing is what keeps me anticipating the next episode, and as im watching im always at the edge of my seat waiting for something to happen between the 2 of them. But i so dont want Max going to Tess, everytime they are all close and stuff i start freaking out...thats what happened to old fav. show Buffy once they replaced her main squeeze ive been bothered by it ever since :)
Just wanted to shout out a big
<font color=emerald size =8>Hello!!</font>
to coastiePrincess! Welcome to the forum!
Well Roswell is my favorite show, I've seen all the ep's since the pilot. This season is more focused on the sci-fi rather then the relationships. I quess I'm of both theatres. I love the sci-fi aspect, and the relational aspects. I'm really into all the characters. I LOVE Emile's Character, Tess, regardless of where her relationships take her. I'm glued to the screen every Monday, and spend the rest of the week waiting. I watch every show about 3 times each week, once for real, then twice from a recording. Put me in the "Excited" column. Go Roswell.
Somewhat neutral

I was just obssessed with the End of the World episode, I taped it and watched it over that night. My cousin, friends and I were just yelling noooooooooo! That's probably one of the few episodes that was really the climax of the season. But don't get me wrong, ROSWELL, has been my show since day 1, and no matter where it goes, even if the writers, get drunk, and make Max and Liz's relationship go farther and farther apart, I'll still watch. AND WHEN IS LIZ GOING TO TELL MAX? Maybe never, but I really hope soon.
You're kidding, right?

I can't believe there are that many nuetral people out there. I love the episodes so far. Now, compared to the first season yes, there is something different, but it's not a bad thing. I'm not saying I like season 2 better though. I think what it is is that season 1, from start to finish, tried to hook fans. Season 2 is more like, okay the show has you now, here's where we're leading you. No, I like both seasons, and Roswell is the best show in the world :)
I'm with you

Season 2 is the bomb. I loved season one, but all my fav eppys are all season 2! My ultimate most favorites were Max in the City and Meet the Dupes, but also End of the World and the Vegas episode were amazing. :D
I've missed most of this season unfortunately, but my most favorite episode (i don't know the name) is the one where everytime they touched Max got a flashback.

:alienooh: ;)
Liked it

They have actually done a respectable job of fleshing out the sci-fi parts. I have to say, I do miss Maria and Michael together and Max and Liz (though we know they will eventually get together).

All in all I am happy with this season.

I am more Estatic about this show than ever. Time Travel, Cloning, Alien Virus, Evil Aliens and the relationships, plus the fact that TPTB are focus on romance (Which their is a sortage of.) Not SEX (TOO much of.)

I believe that if the writers continue with the split
up of Max and Liz, it will hurt the show's ratings.
Max and Liz

Thats the way I felt until tonights eppy... now I'm kinda sick of em! I'm stoked Max and Tess are hooking up, and jazzed Sean and Liz are hooking up. But geeze the whole... pining for each other, unrequitted love, Liz never telling Max the truth, Max never sharing his feelings thing was starting to bug.

Now Maria and Michael, if you broke them up I'd have to cry myself to sleep at night.
I believe that if the writers continue with the split up of Max and Liz that it will hurt the ratings.Posted by P1318

I agree. This one of my reasons for losing interest in this season. Just don't want to see lil blonde chick get him. :)angryfire at the writers of this season)
I hate to say it but . . .

:dead: :dead: :dead: :dead:

I just don't know, Roswell will always be my number one show . . .but after the April 16 episode . . . this season is getting me really disappointed. I nearly wanted to turn off the t.v. in disgust, except when Michael and Maria, and Isabel and Alex were together.:blush: The Tess and Max thing is really annoying me. Tess is a very cool character, but she needs to back off of Max!
I did change the chanel myself. I don't think i stand anymore. Please notify me when Max comes to his senses. ;)
roswell and the future

I LOVE ROSWELL . It's the best series on and off this earth. I really wish Max and Liz would get back together though. But you know I don't do the writing, everyone has their option. And I do too. I think (Max) is such a good actor & so nice looking. Whatever happens I love the show. And I sure feel sorry for (Kyle) he sure would have been great with Tess. :aliengray

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