Stargate Alphabet Game!


Aussies RULE the world
Aug 27, 2000
it's simple i start of saying 'I am going through the Stargate and i am bringing <b>A</b>.........'

and then the next person continues it starting it off with <b>b</b>

has to be SG related


I am going through the Stargate and i am bringing <b>A</b>pophis' cryogenically frozen head
I am going through the stargate and bringing:

Apophis' cryogenically frozen head
Bratac's really cool hair
i'm going through the stargate and i'm bringing:

Apophis' cryogenically frozen head
Bratac's really cool hair
Carter's nifty naquadah reactor
i'm going through the stargate and i'm bringing:

Apophis' cryogenically frozen head
Bratac's really cool hair
Carter's nifty naquadah reactor
Daniel; sculpted as an imp
i'm going through the stargate and i'm bringing:

Apophis' cryogenically frozen head
Bratac's really cool hair
Carter's nifty naquadah reactor
Daniel; sculpted as an imp
everyone's favorite alien...Aris Boch
i'm going through the stargate and i'm bringing:

Apophis' cryogenically frozen head
Bratac's really cool hair
Carter's nifty naquadah reactor
Daniel; sculpted as an imp
everyone's favorite alien...Aris Boch
Freya - for her good looks.
Originally posted by padders
I am going through the stargate and bringing:

Apophis' cryogenically frozen head
Bratac's really cool hair

Nice, padders, very nice!!!
Apophis' cryogenically frozen head
Bratac's really cool hair
Carter's nifty naquadah reactor
Daniel; sculpted as an imp
everyone's favorite alien...Aris Boch
Freya - for her good looks.
gauntlets to throw at Anise
Hathor's frozen body
Apophis' cryogenically frozen head
Bratac's really cool hair
Carter's nifty naquadah reactor
Daniel; sculpted as an imp
everyone's favorite alien...Aris Boch
Freya - for her good looks.
gauntlets to throw at Anise
Hathor's frozen body
Incinerated version of Brittny Spears........

(sorry just kind of popped into my head)
Apophis' cryogenically frozen head
Bratac's really cool hair
Carter's nifty naquadah reactor
Daniel; sculpted as an imp
everyone's favorite alien...Aris Boch
Freya - for her good looks.
gauntlets to throw at Anise
Hathor's frozen body
Incinerated version of Brittny Spears........ (LOL)
Janet's little penlight...
I am going through the stargate and I am bringing
Apophis' cryogenically frozen head
Bra'tac's really cool hair
Carter'snifty naquadah reactor
Daniel; sculpted as an imp
Everyone's favorite alien...Aris Boch
Freya - for her good looks
Gauntlets to throw at Anise
Hathor's frozen body
Incinerated version of Brittny Spears
Janet's little penlight
Kisses (the chocolate kind) from Sam
I am going through the stargate and I am bringing
Apophis' cryogenically frozen head
Bra'tac's really cool hair
Carter'snifty naquadah reactor
Daniel; sculpted as an imp
Everyone's favorite alien...Aris Boch
Freya - for her good looks
Gauntlets to throw at Anise
Hathor's frozen body
Incinerated version of Brittny Spears
Janet's little penlight
Kisses (the chocolate kind) from Sam
Lunatics like Nick Ballard (is that D's grandfather's name?)
I am going through the stargate and I am bringing
Apophis' cryogenically frozen head
Bra'tac's really cool hair
Carter'snifty naquadah reactor
Daniel; sculpted as an imp
Everyone's favorite alien...Aris Boch
Freya - for her good looks
Gauntlets to throw at Anise
Hathor's frozen body
Incinerated version of Brittny Spears
Janet's little penlight
Kisses (the chocolate kind) from Sam
Lunatics like Nick Ballard (is that D's grandfather's name?)
Martouf, re-incarnated
Cat, Loved you addition! Want that as MINE!

Martouf, yes Daniel's Grandfather's name is Nick Ballard!
I am going through the stargate and I am bringing
Apophis' cryogenically frozen head
Bra'tac's really cool hair
Carter'snifty naquadah reactor
Daniel; sculpted as an imp
Everyone's favorite alien...Aris Boch
Freya - for her good looks
Gauntlets to throw at Anise
Hathor's frozen body
Incinerated version of Brittny Spears
Janet's little penlight
Kisses (the chocolate kind) from Sam
Lunatics like Nick Ballard
Martouf, re-incarnated
Nozzle for Cassandra's dog

(jsc? you posted in this thread without adding!!!! HOW DARE YOU!?!?!?!? ur punishment is to add twice immediately!)
I am going through the stargate and I am bringing
Apophis' cryogenically frozen head,
Bra'tac's really cool hair,
Carter's snifty naquadah reactor,
Daniel; sculpted as an imp,
Everyone's favorite alien ... Aris Boch,
Freya - for her good looks,
Gauntlets to throw at Anise,
Hathor's frozen body,
Incinerated version of Brittny Spears,
Janet's little penlight,
Kisses (the chocolate kind) from Sam,
Lunatics like NickBallard,
Nozzle for Cassandra's dog,
Osiris' jar just in case,
Pentagon's Major Paul Davis,
I am going through the stargate and I am bringing
Apophis' cryogenically frozen head,
Bra'tac's really cool hair,
Carter's snifty naquadah reactor,
Daniel; sculpted as an imp,
Everyone's favorite alien ... Aris Boch,
Freya - for her good looks,
Gauntlets to throw at Anise,
Hathor's frozen body,
Incinerated version of Brittny Spears,
Janet's little penlight,
Kisses (the chocolate kind) from Sam,
Lunatics like NickBallard,
Nozzle for Cassandra's dog,
Osiris' jar just in case,
Pentagon's Major Paul Davis,
Queen of England (just so padders doesn't feel left out:))
I am going through the stargate and I am bringing
Apophis'cryogenically frozen head,
Bra'tac's really cool hair,
Carters nifty naquadah reactor,
Daniel; sculped as an imp,
Everyones'favorite alien... Aris Boch
Freya - for her good looks,
Gauntlets to throw at Anise,
Hathor's frozen body,
Incinerated version of Brittny Spears,
Janet's little penlight,
Kisses (the chocolate kind) from Sam,
Lunatics like Nick Ballard,
Martouf, re-incarnated,
Nozzle for Cassandra' dog,
Osiris' jar, just in case,
Pentagon's Major Paul Davis,
Queen Elizabeth (just so padders doesn't feel left out),
Red phone from Hammond's office.
I am going through the stargate and I am bringing
Apophis'cryogenically frozen head,
Bra'tac's really cool hair,
Carters nifty naquadah reactor,
Daniel; sculped as an imp,
Everyones'favorite alien... Aris Boch
Freya - for her good looks,
Gauntlets to throw at Anise,
Hathor's frozen body,
Incinerated version of Brittny Spears,
Janet's little penlight,
Kisses (the chocolate kind) from Sam,
Lunatics like Nick Ballard,
Martouf, re-incarnated,
Nozzle for Cassandra' dog,
Osiris' jar, just in case,
Pentagon's Major Paul Davis,
Queen Elizabeth (just so padders doesn't feel left out),
Red phone from Hammond's office,
Strange Symbols like those found on the Sphinx.
I am going through the stargate and I am bringing
Apophis' cryogenically frozen head,
Bra'tac's really cool hair,
Carter's nifty naquadah reactor,
Daniel; sculped as an imp,
Everyones' favorite alien... Aris Boch,
Freya - for her good looks,
Gauntlets to throw at Anise,
Hathor's frozen body,
Incinerated version of Brittney Spears,
Janet's little penlight,
Kisses (the chocolate kind) from Sam,
Lunatics like Nick Ballard,
Martouf, re-incarnated,
Nozzle for Cassandra' dog,
Osiris' jar, just in case,
Pentagon's Major Paul Davis,
Queen Elizabeth (just so padders doesn't feel left out),
Red phone from Hammond's office,
Strange Symbols like those found on the Sphinx,
Teal'c, of course, (I have nothing to apologize for, Coffeecup...YET!)

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