Robin Cook Anyone?


System Lord of
Jul 21, 2000
Anyone read any of robin cook's books? his medical ones or science fiction ones? I just read "abduction" and it is definitely worth reading.
Just to let you know that in Britain the Foreign Secretary of the government is called Robin Cook.
There is a film called Robin Cook's Invasion and it was shown on TV over Christmas.
Some people thought that this was hilarious.
agghhh don't get me started on "that" robin cook !!!

Invasion, i never knew they made a film of it, i would love to see that - one of the books that I have read. Have to look out for it.
I'm beginning to read his book Abduction and just finish to read Vector.
He's one of my favorites writers, the few I have read of Abduction
at the moment surprise me because I feel it a little different compare
to his others books. Is more X-files and not a virus like book. But so
far I like it.
Yeah abduction is good but not his normal medical thriller type. Then the last one I read wastn't either but I can't remember what it was called, really really good though.. will try and get the name.
Is you find the name let me know, I have read many of his books but all have to do with his medical
thrillers. I love his medical thrillers but after read this I really like to read some of his others stories.
Is like seeing a new side of his talent and I really are enjoying it.
Interesting, I don't know is it true but will be interesting to know which book is and read it.

Krystal :p
I've read "Coma" a bunch of times - and the movie is good too.

I think he wrote "outbreak" as well. Can't think what the one was with the Sars-like virus but it certainly sounds familiar.

I like his writing. When I read a lot of his books back in my teens I decided I wanted to be a neurologist - my life didn't quite work out that way though :D
Yeah, his writing is great. Usually when I begin one of his books I can't stop reading it.

Krystal :cool:
Robin Cook's Seizure

I finish reading his book Seizure and I have to say that I love it. It was cool how he use again the Wingate Clinic and the characters of Spencer Wingate, Paul Sanders and Kurt the security guy. The story was very interesting all the thing about the stem cell research and the thing with the Shroud of Turin. The story was very interesting, specially the mix between politics and science.

Krystal :cool:
I've read a few Robin Cook novels. I found the first couple really enjoyable, but somehow they started to feel really familiar and I stopped reading them. I've never had any interest to try again.

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