new section


System Lord of
Jul 21, 2000
Welcome to our new section. At the moment there is only one forum but more will be added as the section grows. If you are interested in helping out with this new section/being a moderator this would be greatly appreciated as would any links from appropriate websites.

Thank you and welcome to our new section!
Let me add my welcome as well. The Sentinel is still going strong on SciFi and the fans still rally round the flag writing to Bonnie Hammer to try and get the show revived. They are doing a wonderful job of keeping the name fresh in her mind.

question ---

do we want to split the 'general discussion' section into the different seasons? i think there are 4 -- or just combine current threads into 4 season threads?? might make navigation smoother - just a suggestion ---

and - it would keep 'spoilers' away if ppl didn't wanna read about seasons they haven't seen ( b/c i think sci-fi airs the eps in order )

just thinking 'out loud' here ---

Highlander II

If possible, I'd like to keep things 'unsplit' until we build more traffic here, but that's just my opinion. I do admit that splits would help with spoilers, but I'm wondering, since the show has already run it's course and is well into multiple syndacation passes how much of a problem this may pose [I know H II... I got to get you up to date somehow. ;) ]

And yes, SCi-Fi channel is running them in order. This AM was "Smart Alex" S2 - Ep18.
oh - i've seen them all and i know it's in syndication -- but, sometimes even ppl watching in syndication don't wanna know what's going on -- was just thinking of the others --

i don't care about spoilers -- for me - the tidbits don't spoil the ep -- well - unless the spoiler includes things like 'character X' dies -- i don't wanna know that ----

and dang it -- sci-fi's in season 2 -- i need stuff from season 1 - and a few in 3 and 4, i think -- man - i gotta go through my tapes again ----------

I understand. If it hadn't been for some 'outside assistance' [Thank you you know who you are], I'd have never seen the show. I got a care package of tapes.;)
well - i had taped them all - then was trying to tape them all w/o commercials -- and they switched the time on me - so i got eps of stupid John Edwards -- ugh -- so i have to begin again -

however - i am patient -- and shall wait for sci-fi to run through them again --

i can't believe that TNT is on it's 3rd running of the Pretender already -- (watched it the 1st 2 x's through - then started watching profiler instead - next up - JAG! - which i tape right now and watch after Profiler) ---
Another one

Ah... "Pretender". Another one I haven't seen.

Re: Another one

Originally posted by Rowan
Ah... "Pretender". Another one I haven't seen.


right now TNT airs it at 1900 EST -- don't know how it goes elsewhere -- but, if you're in the US -- you should get it ---

also -- CBS in my area runs it on 'late night' sundays - (so, actually monday) ---

great show!!!!!

but -- we were discussing The Sentinel, right??

so -- where were we????
Where were we?

Trying to figure out where we want to go with this. Padders... why did this topic come up in the first place?:blush:
Re: Where were we?

Originally posted by Rowan
Trying to figure out where we want to go with this. Padders... why did this topic come up in the first place?:blush:

which topic? this one was waaaayyy at the bottom of the thread list -- until today --- i just posted in this one b/c it was more fitting to what i had to say than the others -- there is one thread for each ep title --- (kinda daunting for a show as 'small' as this one) -- don't hit me - i love the Sentinel - but the threads are all there - w/ only one post --- (totally not my fault - i just got on ascifi about 1 1/2 months ago - haven't finished looking around yet) --and i was just offering a suggestion ---

if you - Rowan -- are the mod - and you like it this way -- no problem --- i love the forum -- but have you been over to chit chat? there are sooooo many threads there (most long since abandonded) that one gets lost trying to find stuff --

(it's just me - i like things simplified)

oh - one more thing -- since we are discussing it -- should we open a fanfic thread here in Sentinel gen discussions? or is there a sentinel fanfic thread somewhere???

I honestly only cruise 'chat' every now and again... to kinda babysit. As for threads... check out the main Stargate forum. There's enough threads there to build a rug!:eek:

I like the idea of a TS fic thread. We can probably drag Cyn into it. I'll have to make a big note to myself to hit chat and see what I can clean up here.

As for only being here a couple of months, I understand completely. Padders and Mything have been doing a *lot*:flash: of work here and things change. I still get lost on a semi-regular basis. :blush:
yeah - SG-1's general stuff -- oh man --

but chit chat? there are over 250 threads - and most of them haven't been read in ages -- the other thing is ppl put in some totally 'irrelevant' things there -- and chit chat is the 'dumping ground' for the stuff that gets posted in other fora that doesn't belong there- or anywhere else --- ya know??

so -- i think we could get some traffic over here if we opened up a 'fic' thread --

hat's off to Padders and MythingLink for all their hard work! this can't be an easy job - takin' care of all these threads and aliens and stuff! -- so - great job!! to them --- and all the mods!!!
Fic thread

Then we do a fic thread.

I'm easy. Confused a lot, but easy. ;)
Re: Fic thread

Originally posted by Rowan
Then we do a fic thread.

I'm easy. Confused a lot, but easy. ;)

well - i have a little bitty story i could post if'n ya want me to start it!
Let me open the thread

Let me open the thread.... you'll have to come to the TS section and look for it. that okay?
not a problem --

gotta get my fic from home anyway ---- dang it --------- it's a really short piece - told from the POV of Jim's gun ---

i'll post it as soon as i get it off the harddrive -- from home -

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