

Aussies RULE the world
Aug 27, 2000
I want to know ur,
1) top 3 Stargate eps of all time
2) top 3 favoutite 'non main' character

mine currently stand at- 1) Tinman, Urgo and The Nox
2) Urgo, Harlan and Sokar

[Edited by Martouf on 01-19-2001 at 10:26 PM]
My faves are:
episodes: 1) Tinman
2) The First Ones
3) Solitudes

non-main char: 1) Harlan (Comtraya!!)
2) The Unas (so much expression)
3) Major Davis (he's cool)

only have 2

Since I was only recently introduced to stargate I've only seen 3 and parts of a 4th one so as it stands Legacy and The Learning Curve are my favs.
Haven't seen all of season 4 yet, so...
Episodes: (currently)
1) The Serpent's Lair
2) Enigma
3) The Nox/Window of Opportunity

Non-Main Characters:
1) LT. COLONEL SAMUELS!!!!!!!!!!!! (Hey,I'm not sick)
2) Narim
3) Urgo
oh boy only 3 ummm.....


and characters

maj davis
makepeace (and i want him back dog gone it!!!)
Tin man, glad you guys listed this, it was very under rated. I hope they bring back that story ark sometime.. would be great to meet their doubles again.
are you serious or just pulling our legs cause...well rumor has it that an upcoming season 4 eps will feature the droids
Fave Eps
1) Forver In A Day
2) Divide And Conquer
3) Solitudes

Fav Non Main Character
1) Anise/Freya
2) Share (until they killed her off)
3)Urgo (i laugh everytime i see this episode)
Torment of Tantalus
Cold Lazarus
Fifth Race

Major Davis
Makepeace (yeah bring him back)

Fave eps.:

1. Serpent's Song
2. Jolinar's Memories + The Devil You Know
3. Window of Opportunity

Fav Non Main Character:

1. Kawalsky
2. Martouf
3. Jacob/Selmak
Originally posted by skydiver
are you serious or just pulling our legs cause...well rumor has it that an upcoming season 4 eps will feature the droids

yeah 'double jeaoprdy' i think is the ep, there are some pictures in a news report at starguide.
Anything starting with Serpent's (Song, Venom, Grasp, Lair)
If we exclude Hammond and Janet and the dead guys)
Master Bra'tac
Window of Opportunity
Torments of Tantalus
Children of the Gods

Non main
Sgt Walter Jones (a very under used character)
Dr Janet Frasier
kel sha,

my fav eps are:

within the serpent's grasp+ the serpent's lair (i count it as 1 ep) -- the serpent's song -- jolinar's memories

(haven't seen much eps from season 4 so there can be changes later -> serpent's venom sounds good <-)

fav chars:


kree sha
Kel Sha, Geronimo!

Anything with Serpent's as the first word of the title RULES! Lair, Grasp, Song, and Venom! Wish they would do more goodies such as these with Serpent in the title!

Kree Sha!
kel sha,

yeah -- my opinion ..

let's start a e-mail campaign for @ least 2 "serpent's" eps for season 5 :) :)

kree sha
Kel Sha!

Yes! Let's! I only hope the keep the quality of theSerpent's high! als the last four were super!
Only three, that's a bit mean :)

here goes

1. Urgo
2. Deadmans Switch
3. Foothold or Window of Opportunity (sorry, I know that's cheating)


1. Urgo (Dom Delouise was hysterical)
2. Aris Boch (Sam J. Jones, a fine peace of eye-candy, and played the part to perfection)
3. Harry Maybourne (sorry, but I'm really developing a fondness for the dirty little snake-in-the-grass)

I'll list my other 43 fave's another time (heheh)

Okey-dokey, faves in no particular order:


1. Singularity
2. In the line of duty
3. Divide & Conquer

Non-main characters

1. Jacob/Selmak
2. Major Davis
3. Martouf (sniff-sniff)

Although having commited myself now, I have to admit that my fave eps changes from time to time. Other faves are:
Hathor, Fire & Water, Need, Legacy, The Light, Upgrades etc......
I'm a fan of the character driven stories, rather than the all out action ones. The action ones are great too, but for repeated viewing, I prefer the quieter eps.