What the heck just happened????


New Member
Jan 26, 2001

Did Aeryn really just die? Anybody have any hints on the next season? Surely, this is just some sort of dream or something! I know I'm new to you all's forum, but I absolutely love Farscape and I have to know if they really just killed my girl, or what? Anybody know if Claudia Black's signed her contract for the next season? HHEELLPP!!

[Edited by padders on 01-27-2001 at 06:39 AM]
hi there, welcome to the site :)

I just moved your thread into the farscape section where it fits a bit more and added a spoiler section. Hope you don't mind.
about aeryn

its really hard to tell if she is going to be around or not.

Claud said in an interview that she will be back for season three but will not say as what.

I am pretty depressed about the whole thing.
Rest in peace, Aeryn Sun

Don't fret Mr., Nospoon (cool Matrix reference I think). She's frozen in a big tank, and she died in frozen water. She'll be back in probably the second ep of series three (just a guess). It would be a shame to lose her, as she started off as annoying and ended up my fave character next to Chi. She and Browder are fantastic together, especially when they wear those pretty nifty Matrix-like leather jackets. Very cool.
Jump over to the "Aeryn Sun" section for the spoilers on this one (if ya want to be "spoiled").
O.k., so Aeryn's back. What do you think about the changes in the show so far?













Without Zhaan?

With the A&J relationship?

Now that Scorpius is officially part of the cast this season?

With Crais back on board permanently? Has he changed, or is it just the weather?

With Talyn being a complete . . . jerk.

O.k., I'm moving this one to Season 3 (sorry, just realised I was in the wrong place). :blush:

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