Stargate Tongue Twisters


Rob Cooper's #1 Fan
Nov 20, 2000
I don't know if anyone has done anything like this before but I was bored.
You are all familiar with tongue twisters like:
"She sells sea shells by the sea shore."

How about Stargate themed ones like:

Angry Apophis eats appetizing apples around Asgard airships.

Dopey Daniel deciphers dated dialects from dark, dank, destinations.

anyone want to give it a go?
Cocky Colonel Oneil chats to captain carter whilst cutting chocolate cake

(captain carter sounded better than major :) )
hassled hammond's hell is hathor hatching havoc
Janet gently jibes Jack joshing his jock jokes.
hey guy's these were great, loved them all, more,more,more
i will have to go away and try to think of one...peachy
Here's one:
Teal'c tastes tasty treacle tarts
Maybourne's myriad messy mixed up machinations make many major marks.
Jolly Jacob and Jolinar jump joyfully around juggling Jack on Jupiter.
Flatulent Freya falls fowl of Frasiers failing finite foresight

Captain Carter can't quite concoct cataclysmic concepts coherently

Nefarious Nafreyu noiselessly nears numbskull O'Neills knickers (what's that all about?)

(okay, I know they're nearly gibberish, but just try saying 'em out loud)
Mishkaz's many multisylable mouth mashers make merry and mirthful moments!
I just have one question, and one statement:

The question why are all these tongue-twisters heavy on alliteration? Has no one heard "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" Sure, it's got some alliteration out of necessity, but it's not designed for it...come on people! Be original.

The statement maybe it's just me, but none of these are that hard to say. I'm not saying I can do better of course...
Allerations was orignally based upon the sound or a consonant near the beginning of a word. You have two heavy sound plays.... ud sound and ck sound with a moderate one in ch.

One of the most used of this form was in Beowolf. That was a saga not written down until very late about 900 or so bce.
Nifty Nox have Luxurious Loggy Locks.

Juggling Jaffa jump jarring jambs (door jamb... WofOp- I love that ep!!!)

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