Techno details

Dialer Dude

Dec 21, 2000
Ok there are a few things I cant figure out when I'm watching Stargate.

One thing is when ever there is an incoming wormhole they can detect it at the first chevron wouldn't that sort of be like your phone ringing every time someone dialed the first number of your phone number. In the same way more than one planets have our first chevron as their first chevron.

Another thing is when they dial out and someone walks through how long do they wait untill they shut it down. If they shutdwon too soon wouldn't it kill anyone still in the wormhole.

The wormhole remains engaged for as long as someone is in transit.
Originally posted by Dialer Dude
One thing is when ever there is an incoming wormhole they can detect it at the first chevron wouldn't that sort of be like your phone ringing every time someone dialed the first number of your phone number. In the same way more than one planets have our first chevron as their first chevron.

i think when you enter the glyphs on the DHD, the chevrons on that stargate activate/glows then they press the crystal at the centre. so there's a lag time before the chevrons activate at the other end. or in the case of earth, the inner ring spins. so the entire address is entered into the gate 'system' before the gate is activated at the other end.
and i guess the chevrons glow one at a time at the destination because that's the way it was entered and the gate needs time to draw power. that's why it might shut off in mid dial, not enough power
I think most people think of the stargate as being to closely related to a phone.
You also have the problem that this is a TV representationl, show you get the same time frame shown sequentially, rather than concurrently (e.g. split screen!). So, it can be unclear what is actually time-wise following on from the previous scene/cut, and what is at the same time.

For example, something like Upgrades, series 4, SG-1 dialled home and were in transit, before a cut to the SGC and the gate starts dialling the incoming traveller.

As for gate being open, there appears to be some way it knows something is within the event horizon, typically as a traveller. There seem to be some eps when they take ages before getting into the wormhole, and others where they deliberately hold the wormhole open for maximum duration without sticking their hand in (as per Shades of Grey!). Maybe there is something in the mechanism which runs the iris, that can also keep the gate open, and perhaps provide the detection of incoming travellers too.
At the end of the day, humanity (and the goa'uld) are new-comers when it comes to gate technology: we still cause such instability in the worm-hole as it establishes that it causes a vortex.

Comepare that to 1969's future, or the capability of the Asgard (and Nox?), where the wormhole sorts of folds in from the edges to engage. And certainly no horrid dialling!
it's my theory that the wormhole collapses gradually {however quickly} from the dailing-out-gate to the recieving gate. that's why someone can jump through the event horizon, the wormhole disengages at that end, they're in transit, and when they emerge out the other side, the wormhole is completely disengaged. we know wormhole travel isn't instantaneous, right?
Originally posted by shu_hunter
it's my theory that the wormhole collapses gradually {however quickly} from the dailing-out-gate to the recieving gate. that's why someone can jump through the event horizon, the wormhole disengages at that end, they're in transit, and when they emerge out the other side, the wormhole is completely disengaged. we know wormhole travel isn't instantaneous, right?
Certainly seems supported by all the evidence - almost like water in a pipe: once in, it has to get out the other end, even if the start end is removed...

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