Fierce Vowelless One
I'm just asking out of curiosity. This question can be answered literally - as in a list of those books you physically have in your collection or figuratively with a list of those books you would like to have in your collection or a combination of the two. I currently have a very small collection consisting of three books
as in the past I needed to keep the collection of books down due to space issues. However, now that we are in a house and we have bookshelves I'd like to fill them and I've got a list (actually I use the 'wishlist' at Amazon.com to keep a list of those books I will eventually buy once I get the chance. Most of those I've read but would like to own anyway and others are those that I haven't read but would like to and would like to keep).
So, on my bookshelf currently is:
The Pyrates by George MacDonald Fraser (I just got a great deal on it for ~$5 from another Amazon user)
The Truth by Terry Pratchett
The Fifth Element by Terry Pratchett (both were given to me by another Pratchett fan once she was done reading them).
The only other book besides the dictionaries and thesauruses (how do you pluralize that??) that I wouldn't get rid of is 'The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy' which is a wonderful compilation of knowledge that according to the authors/editors every person should know. It includes little snippets of info all all manner of things from history to mythology, the origins of popular sayings and 'cultural icons'. I'd like to get one or two of the updated volumes just to see what was added and to learn the new stuff.
So, what have you guys got?
So, on my bookshelf currently is:
The Pyrates by George MacDonald Fraser (I just got a great deal on it for ~$5 from another Amazon user)
The Truth by Terry Pratchett
The Fifth Element by Terry Pratchett (both were given to me by another Pratchett fan once she was done reading them).
The only other book besides the dictionaries and thesauruses (how do you pluralize that??) that I wouldn't get rid of is 'The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy' which is a wonderful compilation of knowledge that according to the authors/editors every person should know. It includes little snippets of info all all manner of things from history to mythology, the origins of popular sayings and 'cultural icons'. I'd like to get one or two of the updated volumes just to see what was added and to learn the new stuff.
So, what have you guys got?