First off I do want to know what happened to the blind football team. How did they take the news that there wasn't going to be a league? What are they going to do now that they have to give this up?
When this episode opened I heard the voice and thought, oh that's what's his name, Mako. He's in this one so he's got to be the bad guy. Then Frohicke shows up and starts doing the Matrix or maybe Mortal Kombat thing and I figure, okay, he's dreaming. (Not thinking that Frohicke probably dreams about Scully and compromising situations.
) I wasn't prepared or expecting a sting.
To make a long story short, it was kinda cute.
This episode had the humor I had been expecting and didn't see that much of in the pilot. To me, and I'm not that picky, it was well interspersed between the serious parts of arms dealing, and hacking for profit. Forhicke getting creamed by the blind football guys was a sight to behold.
One gallon out of ten cars as opposed to ten gallons out of one ... well I think it does fit with Byers and his moral standing on things.
Anyone not expect Langley to wash off all the autographs on the golf bag?
And then we get to meet the infamous Jimmy Bond. You know I'm pretty sure I've met people like him and wondered where on Earth they came from.
I do hope that they don't overplay his naivete too much though. It would really make him unbelievable and he does have some good qualities ... he's kinda cute.
I think I'm going overboard here with the smilies.
When our three heroes pull up to their hideout at the end and they see the stack of newsletters I half expected it to be a gift from Eve. I think she should of at least let them keep a few dollars from their sting so that they could get some gas for the van.
Looking forward to the next episode.