Beetlejuice (1988) - Who got scared as a kid?

Small Mel

Moderator Chick-a-dee
Nov 13, 2000
I DID!!!

I was terrified when I was little. Although I wasnt really the biggest scary movie kinda kid, the whole idea of a little dead dude being all crazy like gave me the bejeebers!

heh heh heh the first time i saw it was when I was 17/18, so it didnt scar me at all...on the contrary, I found it hilarious!

i saw it ages ago and it seriously scared me......seriously..........his face...........>shudders<lol

I still find it more comical than anything else...mind you, I did not get scared when i saw the exorcist, but did get spooked out after seeing candyman. I would not say that word at all! That film was so good....

Anyway, Im going off-topic...beetlejuice...beetlejuice, yes, that's where I am


candyman was not funny at all........and exorcist was just stupid!

beeteljuice wsa werid.......
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

Beetlejuice was on tonight and it brought back all these memories of me watching it when i was a little kid *shiver* can you believe its only a bloody PG!!!! I thought it'd be an 18 or something, and then i was watching it and they were swearing and everything, so it should at least be a 12, but i wouldnt want my kid to watch it (if i had one) cos i remember how creeped out i got lol, though dont get me wrong, the film rocks :D

OK, I know this is an ancient thread but this is one of my all-time favourite films!!

I can't remember how old I was when I firt saw it but I was 16/17 when it was released so it would be some time after that :p

The only thing still can't watch is the spider crawling across the town before you realise it's a model - but I have spider-phobia.

I think I remember being creeped out by the sandworms the first time I saw it, but now I just love it - and my kids love the end when Winona Ryder is floating in the air to "Jump in the Line".

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