DVD #2 is out


Look! I'm posting again!
Nov 22, 2000
DVD #2 is out - contains the first 4 eps of season 2 - $36.30. This was mentioned in the latest newsletter from the Galaxy Bookshop in Sydney - they stock it.

Maybe you all know this already.

Hey Marty, another DVD to match the other one. A matching set that you can have endless hours of fun just looking at. Pity about the lack of DVD player. Hehehehehe :D :rolly2: :clown: :rolly2: :D
yeah, it was released when the last lot of videos came out :)
next DVD is out on April 12. :rolly2: :rolly2: :p
cat - lol (marty and dvd player joke!) hehehe
the joke might be getting a bit old. Watcha think, marty? or do we keep trotting it out every now and then. the rest of seem to still enjoy it.

snicker, snicker, snicker :rolly2: :rolly2: :rolly2:
um, yeah actually i was talking with him last night about it, still no luck. You guys really do need to get dvd. its great.
It's getting a bit old, but it's still HILARIOUS when it pops up every now and again
aren't we awful to poor old martouf?

:rolly2: ;)

i'll have the last laugh when all the dvd's go OUT OF STOCK and you will all miss out!!!! (except JAD)
Can't miss out. I already got both of them. AND I can watch them too.

the old one's are good ones :D hahahahahaha

Good onya, shelby :D :D :D :rolleyes: ;)
mmm.... okay!!!

doesn't that make you wanna just run out and buy them?
When they're all sold out, one day you'll see a poor old woman begging out on the street, hands held up to the passing parade of humanity who callously disregard the bedraggled heap of rags:

"Stargate DVDs, sir? Any Stargate DVDs? Just one will do. Take pity on a poor old woman who didn't listen to her friend's advice. Take pity....sob, sob, sob......."
sarcasm will get you no where.....

ok.... u'll see i will be right..... and you will be dvdless
it wasn't sarcasm. you ain't seen sarcasm yet.

haven't you noticed my new moniker? - mordax et acerbus. It just hasn't kicked in yet because i'm being NICE
*kicks himself*

shoiuld've known.........

u speak latin cat? i speak some italian and indonesain
a bit of latin, mostly legal stuff. But i read french and german better than i speak them - did french language and german literature at uni
actually something does spring to mind but it's a girl thing so i won't say it. what is it? something about free something, forcing something?