Watched this last night. I can enjoy Flash Gordon special effects and I can enjoy Star Wars special effects. These somehow won an Oscar but just hit me wrong. Too near Flash Gordon without the charm. "Well, look at those miniatures get busted up. Hey, that's a pretty ugly painting standing in for a background." I also found the idea that the most important issue involved in the world ending was whether the vacuity would get the girl from the eunuch to be pretty pitiful. I know it's a Hollywood movie and that has to be there but it was almost the whole movie (aside from smashing models). *** non-surprising spoilers *** And, while other ships are mentioned, the impression is that this one ship is it and thank god we got rid of all the poor, uneducated, non-Christian, non-white, etc. folks. *** end non-surprising spoilers *** Also, the science was ridiculous even for the time and, again, the being a Hollywood movie. Other than having the lovely and talented Barbara Rush, it was inferior to Destination Moon in every way I can think of (including special effects) - and that came out a year earlier. It's also much more similar to War of the Worlds (which at least has the advantage of coming out a couple years later) but is also inferior to that.
That said, it's just ~80 minutes and isn't too painful in too many places to get through once. During the movie, the worst stuff is quickly replaced with new stuff so the pain doesn't linger and there's always the hope the movie will do something cool or say something important. It's only when it was over that I had to quit trying to make excuses and resign myself to the fact that it's a significant disappointment. I guess this is one "classic" where "you had to be there".