Favourite Aliens.

the best feel good song of the holidays to bering you up if your feelin down!!

  • have yourself a merry little chirstmas [judy garland]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • holly jolly christmas [belle ives] THE SNOWMAN ON THE REINDEER SHOW}

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • the chirstmas song [nat king cole]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • greensleves [what child is this ] jeffro tull

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • need a litte chirstmas [the muppets]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 12 days of red neck chirstmas [jeff foxworthy]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • santa claus and his old lady [cheech and chong]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • dancing snowman instrmental [the pirates of the mississippi]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [my favorite] all i want for christmas is you [vince vance and the valients]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Non Bio
Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
So which Aliens did you like/hate? Which were the most frightening? The most interesting? Which had the worst costumes and make-up?

1) Daleks - a race of cyborg mutants from the planet Skaro. They were nearly all machine, created by the scientist Davros from what was left of the Kaled race after a devastating Nuclear War.

2) Cybermen - also cyborgs from the Tenth Planet, Mondas, emotionless humanoids with nothing left of their original flesh and blood forms but their affected brains.

3) Ice Warriors - Reptilian lumbering beasts from Mars who hoped to conquer the Earth during out Ice Age, but instead got burried in a glacier.

4) Silurians - Another Reptilian race who ruled Earth when mankind were only apes.

5) Sea Devils - More Reptlies, the undersea cousins of the Silurians.

6) Sontarans - A warrior race perpetually at war, for whom the Earth is an insignificant planet, in the way.

7) the Time Lords - the Doctors own race from Galifrey.

8) Kraals - a cross betwen a pig and a rhinoceros.

9) Zygons - a race of creatures stranded on Earth, their spaceship being at the bottom of Loch Ness, their Skarasen servent originating the legend of the Loch Ness monster.

10) Axons - hideous tentacled monstrosities, who appeared as golden elipses, but were part of the collective parasite Axos.

As usual, there can be only 10 options, so sorry if I missed out your choice. Just post what it is and why.
well i voted for the cybermen, cause they used to terrify me when i was little, i thought the daleks were a close second...peachy :D
Well, I said in another thread that the Sontarans were my favourite. I've got two of the episodes 'The Time Warrior' and 'The Sontaran Experiment' on video.

If you watch 'Eastenders' you should see June Brown aka Dot Cotton in 'The Time Warrior'.

I have fond memories of the Daleks, but the only episode that really stands up today is 'Genesis of the Daleks', but even that has a lot of running backwards and forwards in it.

The 'New' Cybermen just like the 'New' Klingons are much better.

Most of the aliens are obviously just 'men in suits', but maybe that is part of the appeal. The stories were always good, and you need some imagination to appreciate science fiction anyway.
What about that "humanoid" thing that ran rings round a group
of modern tranparent-chin Cybermen in The Five Doctors? Seemed
really awesome - a shame that was not developed fuerther (as
far as I know anyway) in other stories...
Welcome to AScifi, BouncingAyatola

You will really like it here, I'm sure. Everyone is very friendly and if you have a question just ask.

I'm sorry but I don't remember your "Humanoid thing" even though I think that I saw that episode recently. The special episodes with more than one Doctor seem to be on TV more frequently.

Are you a big Dr. Who fan? Are you aware of the 'Films' and 'Books' forums here?
> Welcome to AScifi, BouncingAyatola


> You will really like it here, I'm sure. Everyone is very friendly and if you have a question just ask.
> I'm sorry but I don't remember your "Humanoid thing" even though I think that I saw that episode
> recently. The special episodes with more than one Doctor seem to be on TV more frequently.

I haven't seen the episode for some time, but I remember quite vividly from when I first watched it
a brief scene where a group of Cybermen are completely decimated by what I remember as a humanoid in
a tight silvery/light coloured body-costume. I seem to remember it had the ability to rapidly move
from one place to another amongst the lumbering Cybermen. The Doctor recognised it and I thought at
the time it would make a great new enemy.

> Are you a big Dr. Who fan? Are you aware of the 'Films' and 'Books' forums here?

I like Dr.Who very much but I admit my main passion was Blake's Seven. My childhood "Who years" were
very late Pertwee through Tom Baker. I followed a lot of Peter Davison and Colin Baker that were shown
on TV being generally unimpressed at first but growing to like them both, but found myself really
struggling with Sylvester McCoy. And tried and tried to like him but gave up not long after the acquisition
of Bonnie Langford (sp?). As most of us do I still hark back to the days when I remember being most
frightened! :) I think the days of Pertwee with such devices as the "Whomobile" and Bessie (?) were
incredible when compared to later offerings. Having said that I would like to get to see later Dalek
episodes, I've seen some clips on "30 years of..." that looked enjoyable.

Following on from Blake's Seven I acquired a taste for Babylon5, and have yet to catch up with the TV
films past "Third Space". Not having cable I decide to check out the mini-forums for older stuff "when
I was a lad ... etc."

Thanks for your reply, I'll check out the Films and Books sections.
I love the concept of the Timelords.... the 13 lives, the tardis etc... But just think the daleks are absolutely great.... evil and just wanna rule....

What was the dalek lord called ??? it escapes me at this moment but i thought he was just sooooo evil
Do you mean their creator? -- He was called Davros.

(Only in early Doctor Who episodes their were also Dalek factions, and an Emperor Dalek who was in charge.)
Thats the man / dalek..... he was so scarey
Davros on his tea break

If you go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult
and look at the Dr.Who section there is an amusing picture
in The Gallery section (under Daleks I think) of the chap who
plays Davros taking a tea break in his T-shirt with his Davros
head still on! :)

Also in the Dr.Who section are some hilarious spoof phone
calls (if you have RealPlayer), and a chance to vote for the
return of "The Doctor"... it's well worth a look...
Originally posted by BouncingAyatola
What about that "humanoid" thing that ran rings round a group
of modern tranparent-chin Cybermen in The Five Doctors? Seemed
really awesome - a shame that was not developed fuerther (as
far as I know anyway) in other stories...

I think that the humanoid you mean is called the Rasillon Robot (spelling?), and it did indeed kick ass!
Yes, when I first read this post, I was looking for those silver guys (Rasillon) that were really fast. I thought there were more than one though???

Indeed, they seemed to be the best villians. If I remember correctly, they took out many of those Cybermen.
Quite a good few Alien nasties in the poll:

My favourites would have to be, without a doubt our - "EXTERMINATING" little friends - THE DALEKS!

Yet, other favourites are:

1) THE SILURIANS (as that was the story that well and truly got me hooked on Jon's Doctor and, the show, despite having watched every episode from episode one!)

(I also, wonder if that story, (sub-consciously), also got me hooked on a certain gent - namely, Paul Darrow, who would later take over my life and, my passion for "our cold-hearted , cynical friend, - AVON" out of "Blake's 7"???)

(NOTE: Paul Darrow played UNIT Capt. Hawkins in the SILURIAN story!)

2) THE SEA DEVILS (aquatic cousins of the SILURIANS)!

3) THE TIMELORDS (more renegades amongst the Doctor's own race than anything - MASTER, BORUSA, OMEGA etc)

4) ALPHA CENTAURI (just as it was so weird and wonderfully looking - not too mention that high-pitched female voice)


6) AUTONS(NESTENES) - even to this day sometimes get a weird feeling passing shop windows with, manaquins in them and, half-expect them to crash through the window and, start shooting folks in the back!)

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