Fave Angel Quotes

Okay a few more, from the last ep on sky 1 (sorry missed the title)

Angel: Mr. "Hey, I'm L.A. Director Shooting a Commercial, So I Must Be The Center Of The Universe" Guy. Like anyone who isn't making it in show business is just a step or ten down the food chain. I mean, hey, all we do is save the world, right? .

When was the last time Cordy took crap from any of us?
Gunn: Never and the day after never.

Angel: I mean, walking I get. But power walking? Why not just run for a shorter time? Weird.

Angel: You know him?
Lorne: Just because I know his name doesn't mean you can't knock him unconscious. Please, continue.

Not as much as a normal ep of Angel, you think the writers ran outta inspiration??

Maria :star:
My latest offering.


Cordelia: Angel?…Wesley!…Mr. Green Mojo Guy's cousin?
Angel: What, is it out of batteries. Is the thing out of batteries?

Lorne: Remember when I said I loved this dimension and I'm never, never, never gonna leave? Exactly which "never" did you not understand?

Fortune teller person: Sometimes the journey is taken simply because it must be taken. That vague enough for ya?
Lorne: Is that what I sound like? Eeesh. No wonder people complain.

Angel: Lawyers. Don't you people sleep during the day?

Angel: I wanna go. Bad. Just waitin' for Wes to have that "eureka" moment.
Wesley: EUREKA!
Angel: Oh, thank God.
Lorne: You mean he actually says "eureka"?

Angel: The sun! Daylight! Quick, somebody hand me a blanket -- hand me a blanket or I'll catch on fire! Why am I not on fire?

Angel: And I'm not on fire.

Wesley: And we're all together, too. We didn't even merge into a freakish four-man Siamese twin!
Gunn: That was a risk? How come nobody told me that was a risk?

Angel: Can everybody just notice how much fire I'm not on?

Angel: Let's start gathering branches, brush, anything that'll cover the car. Hey, look, there's some over in that patch of sun. I'll get 'em.

Angel: No problem here. Walkin' in the sun. Do it all the time.
Wesley: Yes, we're all heartily aware that you're not on fire.

Lorne: Just remember, keep your heads down. Xenophobia kind of a watchword where I'm from. Gunn: I don't get it. Why are they afraid of Xena? I think she's kinda fly.

Wesley: I used to be horrified by those stories about the Tower of London.
Angel: Wasn't that bad.

Maria :star:
I love it when Lorne says
Lorne: Remember when I said I loved this dimension and I'm never, never, never gonna leave? Exactly which "never" did you not understand?
He should have stayed.
Originally posted by Angel Lover
Here's a good one:

"Off with thier Heads!...Kidding!"~Cordielia

LOL! I liked that!

Cordelia: Well, it's not like my throne couldn't use a few extra cushions, but I'm not really gonna complain because, well -- throne.

Lorne: See there? She had a vision. That explains it. Well, see, there's this prophecy...
Angel: A prophecy. Great. Because those always go well...

Cordelia: In kind of a hurry to get back to the Cordelia's-not-a-princess-dimension, aren't ya?

Lorne: Back up! You want me to talk to my family? On purpose? (i know how he feels!!)

Lorne: Come on, gorgeous. You can stare at yourself in my grandmother's glass eye. Oh, and while we're here, it's just "Lorne," okay? To the people of Pylea, a "host" is just one more thing to lay your eggs in.
Angel: Yeah, yeah, fine. Can we get my coat?

Angel: ... and then, WHACK! I chopped off the evil lawyer beast's hand and he screamed and screamed, and then I left.
Host: Well! You're a regular Hans Christian Tarantino, aren't ya?

Cordelia: If you ever figure out how to get us out of here, I want you to find me a dimension where some demon doesn't want to impregnate me with its spawn! I mean, is that just too much to ask?

Angel: Oh, Cordelia! No, she's fine. They made her a princess.
Fred: They......Really? Oh. When I got here they, they... didn't do that. Made me more of a, of a slave, really. Well that's... nice for her.

There's No Place like Pltz Grlb

Cordelia: No, no, I like the filthy head-- that is, I need to defile it more. I will keep it to spit upon and when I tire of that I will make it into a planter -- a traitor planter for all to see! Or maybe a candy dish.

Host: Oh I'm sure it must be, and after all I only LOST MY HEAD! Or, technically, my body.

Gunn: We die horribly and painfully, you go to hell and I spend eternity in the arms of Baby Jesus.
Wesley: Oh.

Fred: They're not words. They're consonant representations of a mathematical transfiguration formula.
Angel: Well obviously...

Rebel: Five cheers for the other-worlders.
Wesley: Oooo, in this world you get five.

Cordelia: Boy that looks a lot like your suit.
Host: It is my suit, you think they have French Viscose in this hell hole? Why am I still alive? Once they chop you up, it's over. I'm looking at pieces of myself, it's over... Wait a minute, since when do I have five toes?

Cordelia: Do you mind if I hit him over the head with you?
Host: Yes.

Wesley: Why do people keep putting me in charge of things?
Gunn: I have no idea.

Gunn: He's Angel, he does that --how'd she do that?
Angel: She's Fred, she does that, too.

Angel: He was…
Gunn: Yeah…
Wesley: Mmm…
Host: That's it? Where's the praising and extolling of my virtues? Where's the love?

Angel: I challenge the Groosalugg to mortal combat. Come out and face me, you spineless coward!
Fred: Ohhhh, why'd you add that coward thing, that's just gonna piss him off.

Angel: All right, what part of my being all noble here didn't get through?

Cordelia: Stop! Stop the fight! Don't hurt him, I love him, I LOVE HIM!
Angel: You love me?
Cordelia: Not you, dumbass, HIM! I love him!
Angel: Oh.

Angel: But you love me too, right?
Cordelia: Are you all right? Did he hurt you?
Angel: As a friend and co-worker...
Cordelia: What did he do to you? Let's get some bandages over here, people!
Angel: Maybe love is too strong a term.

Angel: Isn't there something you want to say to your mother?
Host: "May you burn in Tarkna?"
Angel: Come on, she's not so bad, she didn't store your body on the maggot heap like you thought she would, did she?
Host: Bye Mom, thanks for storing my body on the lice pile instead of the maggot heap.

Angel: Every family's got its problems.
Mother: Numfar, do the dance of shame!
Angel: Yours more than most. (oooo one of my fave faves i think....i really liked it!)

Host: I had to come back here to find out I didn't have to come back here, I don't belong here, I hate it here. You know where I belong? L.A. You know why? Nobody belongs there, it's the perfect place for guys like us.
Angel: That's kinda beautiful.
Host: Ain't it?

Wesley: Should people be kneeling in a free society?
Cordelia: These things take time.

Angel: I want to say. There's no place like.........Willow?

Maria :star:

i love the quotes!!
and i love doyle!
he's soooo funny.

so how about it guys?
more doyle quotes for this poor gal?

and i like lorne too.
never saw him.
as i said don't watch the show no more.
but maria, promise me to tell me
when the episode with lorne comes on.

:D :D :D

if it means you'll start watching Angel again.......i'd love to.

You know there's a thread of Doyle somewhere (have you found it yet?). I'll see if i can find some old Doyle eps to quote.

maria :star:
okay these may not be doing as well as the Buffy quotes but I still love them! Yeah we SERIOUSLY need Asmiley back!

To Shanshu in LA

Cordelia: What's taking so long?
Wesley: Gee, I don't know, Cordelia. The Prophecies of Aubergion were only written over the last 4,000 years, in a dozen different languages, some of which aren't even human! Why don't we just get a Phalangoid Demon in here, suck the brain out of my skull. Maybe that would speed things up.
Cordelia: He sure gets testy when he's translating.

Cordelia: Hurry up and figure out what it says about Angel, coz I want to know what it says about me, if there's torrid romance in my future, massive wealth. If I have to, I'll settle for enviable fame.
Wesley: It's an ancient sacred text, not a Magic 8 Ball.
Cordelia: Nobody gets my humor.
Angel: I thought it was funny.

Wesley: After all you did for him, he sells his soul for 30 pieces of silver.
Cordelia: Actually, he sold it for a six figure salary and a full benefits package.

Nabbit: What did I do today? Spun off my digital pager network, made a few more million…Alright several. Big whup. What does that mean?
Cordelia: No more shopping at a Penny Saver?

Wesley: I think I know what it means.
Cordelia: A very wealthy man with just no life at all?

Cordelia: Angel's going to die?
Angel: Oh. Anything else?

Cordelia: Enough with the scratch-n-sniff visions!

Cordelia: I ever meet those Powers That Be, I am going to punch them in the nose. Do you think they have a nose?

Cordelia: Well, it's a prophecy. It's not like it came from on high.
Wesley: That's what a prophecy is, Cordelia.

Wesley: What connects us to life?
Cordelia: Right now? I'm going with donuts.

Cordelia: What are you saying, Wesley? That Angel has nothing to look forward to? That he's going to go on forever, the same? In the world, but always cut off from it?
Wesley: Yes.
Cordelia: That sucks!

Cordelia: Well, he's going to have to start wanting things from life, whether he wants to or not!

Cordelia: You're cut off from life. But don't worry, I'm going to help you with that.
Angel: Oh. Good.

Cordelia: He's not crazy or anything. He's just different.
Art Person: Depressed?
Cordelia: Well, he wears a lot of black.

Oracle: I can't stay long. I've been dead a while. So far, I don't like it.

Gunn (to Angel): You get enough iron? You look a little pale.

Angel: Don't believe everything you're foretold.

Wesley: I...I'm not used to....
Angel: He's not used to the new you.
Cordelia: I know what's out there now. We have a lot of evil to fight, a lot of people to help. I just hope Skin-n-Bones here can figure out what those lawyers raised sometime before that prophecy kicks in and you croak....that was the old me wasn't it?
Angel: I like them both.

Wesley: Uh. . . . oops. I may have made a tiny mistake. The, uh, word, shanshu, that I said meant you were going to die? Actually, I think it means you're going to live.
Cordelia: Okay, as tiny mistakes go, that's not one.

Cordelia: Typical. I hook up with the only person in history who ever came to LA to get older.


I watched this episode tonight as they were re playing them on Sky 1 and the best line in it was...

"I've been to hell...but that was worse!"

This was said about Cordys acting!

er... maria???
i asked for DOYLE quotes!!!

but hey!
cordy's fun too
and angel too

:D :D :D
Re: Eternity

Originally posted by pamie
I watched this episode tonight as they were re playing them on Sky 1 and the best line in it was...

"I've been to hell...but that was worse!"

This was said about Cordys acting!

LOL! yeah that was my fave too......but some others, just because it's a wonderfully written show!

Cordelia: Angel? Was I good?
Angel: I wouldn't say it if I didn't think so.
Cordelia: Thanks! You didn't say it.

Angel: Cordelia, she's just a person.
Cordelia: Spoken like a true non-person.

Rebecca: Do you drink blood?
Angel: Yeah. But not people.
Rebecca: You're not a killer.
Angel: I gave that up.
Rebecca: Well, there's a support group for everything in this town, I guess.

Cordelia: I owe it to that poor girl to see if he ended up chowing down on my one link to fame.

Angelus: Good news, Wes Old Boy! You don't have an inferiority complex. You're just simply inferior.

Angel: Cordelia...
Cordelia: Okay, here's something I never thought I would say to you: Wesley's right.

Angel: So we're okay then?
Cordelia: I'm too big of a person to let something so petty get in the way of our friendship.
Angel: I appreciate that...You're not going to untie me, are you?
Cordelia: Pffft!
Angel: Wesley? Cordelia? Guys?

WikiBerry: sorry no Doyle. Not my fault. Complain to Sky1!


Gunn: No, no, what I'm saying is, that means the granddaughter remade the grandmother.
Wesley: Oh…yes.
Gunn: Man, somehow that weirds me out more than the whole bloodsucking thing.

Cordelia: You can't go in uninvited, remember? You need us!
Angel: Not this time.
Cordelia: So, what's the plan? Stand outside his door and make remarks?

Angel: It would be for Drusilla. She's a classicist.
Cordelia: She's a loony.

Drusilla: I saw you coming, my lovely, the moon showed me. It told me to come into the 20th century.
Angel: It's the 21st century, Dru.

Wesley: No! Pull over. She's having a vision.
Gunn: Tell me it ain't us she's seeing, wrapped around a lamppost.

Angel: You set things in motion, play your little games up here in your glass and chrome tower, and people die, innocent people.
Holland: And yet, I just can't seem to care.

Holland: Angel, please; people are going to die.
Angel: And yet, somehow, I just can't seem to care.

Wesley: You could have stopped them.
Angel: And I will.
Cordelia: When? After they've finished off all the people you don't like?

Wesley: Listen to her. Right now, the three of us are all that's standing between you and real darkness.
Gunn: You best believe that man.
Angel: I do. You're all fired.

okay still no Doyle (no lorne either :() but don't shoot the messenger!

oh, i'm gonna shoot the messenger!
count on that maria!

you free on thursday?

:D :D :D

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