Fave Angel Quotes

yep that sounds right Legolas (Snape??)

Diamond - again great quotes!

Can't wait for series 3 to start!! i miss these quotes! (not to mention lorne) :D
I got some box sets of Angel for Xmas..(love my mum!)

So I have been re-watching season one....

Buffy: You hit me!
Angel: Hate to go all school yard on you..but you hit me first!

from Five by Five

Darla: No. No, there really isn't, is there? You can be with someone for 150 years - think you know them. Still; doesn't work out. Angelus - why, you should have seen us together.
Lindsey: He was a different person then.
Darla: And so was I. Now do you know what we've become?
Lindsey: Enemies.
Darla: Oh no. Much worse. Now we're soulmates.

Angel: All we gonna do is find her.
Cordelia: And this would be the same woman you didn't notice was in your bedroom every night for like three weeks straight?
Angel: That was different.
Cordelia: Different in the sitting right on top of you sense, yeah.
Wesley: Cordelia has a point.
Cordelia: Finally!
Wesley: The last time Darla emerged she wanted to be found. Now she is out there among six million other people.
Cordelia: She could be sitting on top of anybody.

Angelus: It's not stuck like that now is it?
Darla: The Master has grown past the curse of human features.
Angelus: I'm not gonna get a bat-nose like that, huh? Am I?


gotta love Angelus lines *snickers*
I love the one in the first series...

Doyle (reading a cue-card) our rats are low...
Cordy: Rates!
Doyle: It says rats...

So simple but it makes me laugh every time!
And then you see him reading it again after he's dead on the video tape.
Angel: Oh yeah. I saw their production of Giselle in 1890 -- cried like a baby. And I was evil!

Angel: Back in the day, I'd always get box seats... or eat the people who had 'em.
Cordelia: Don't let's reminisce. We're here. Enjoy.

Angel: You all right?
Cordelia: Yeah. We gotta move.
Angel: You think they're not dead?
Cordelia: You just looked really hot doing that.
Angel: Oh.
Cordelia: Yeah.
Angel: Run.

"Waiting in the Wings"
really hot :eek:

if thats a new plot twist then please use spoiler warnings in future, I almost spat out the mini-egg I was eating :lol:
eeew lovely!

Cordy: They've got the forbidden love of all time..now that he's human, I'm sure they're just down there havin' tea and crackers...

Something like that:rolleyes:
A personal favourite of mine is the S1 episode two Batman moment when Angel uses a grapple line to hook a beam some thirty feet up and Kate says:
Who are you?

Cut to the beam collapsing (and therefore no "I'm Batman" reply :wink2: )
Here are a few ones I like from Blind Date

Gunn: Give me one good reason.
Angel: It'll be extremely dangerous.
Gunn: Okay.

Gunn: Whoo, Whoo! My God! They told me it was true, but I didn't believe em. Damn, here it is. Evil white folks really do have a mecca. Now, now, now girls, don't get all riled up. (Screams) Did you just step on my foot? Was that my foot you just stepped on? Are you assulting me up in this haven of justice?! Somebody get me a lawyer, because my civil rights have seriously been violated. Oh, I get it, y'all can cater to the demon... cater to the dead man... but what about THE BLACK MAN?!!!

Angel: How am I supposed to fight evil if they won't even put it behind bars?

Cordelia: What, "Helen Kellerus Homicidus?"
One or two more, from Lonely Hearts

Cordelia - Hey, you look troubled... or is that just your lazy eye?

Doyle - How's life treating you? What's that? Minions from hell getting you down?

these are good -- :)

and I love the 'low rats' line too!!

oh -and Angelus - he gets some of the best lines!
Well, I'm not much of an Angel-fan but a friend of mine is (Aset) and well ... about a week ago we played a part from the epi Fredless (the part where Cordy and Wesley act like Angel and Buffy). I had Angel's part. It wasn't that much to say but anyway I liked his sentences. This is however my favorite one. :D

Cordy:"Kiss me!"
Wesley:"Bite me!"
Angel:"How about you'd both bit me?"
Loved this one from S3's Offspring

Angel: It wasn't like I went evil or anything... I just...
Cordelia: No, you just went male

Angel (the series) isn't as good for the one liners as Buffy - but it has more nice 'moments' that don't quote well.

I'll have to go with Horus and say the teaser of season 3 Fredless... It was just hilarious!!!

:wave: Aset :wave:
love this one from the season one episode "Eternity"

Angelus: Name's Angelus.
Wesley: I don't wish to resort to drastic measures. But unless you listen to reason, I warn you...
Angelus: You're warning me? What happened, Wes? You suddenly grow a pair?
love this one from the season one episode "Eternity"

Angelus: Name's Angelus.
Wesley: I don't wish to resort to drastic measures. But unless you listen to reason, I warn you...
Angelus: You're warning me? What happened, Wes? You suddenly grow a pair?

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