Elijah Wood - Frodo-Mutilator?

Myla Starchild

Gal Pervert Extraordinare
Mar 26, 2004
Belford, Northern England
Just wondering, did anyone else think Elijah Wood completely ruined Frodo in LOTR? In the books, Frodo was a wimp, but he didn't spend the entire time crying and choking did he? After Weathertop he ketp quiet.
Does anyone else find Elijah annoying or am I just a freak?
Myla - I've moved your post to the Movies forum as it seems to fit that category better and will be seen more by those who enjoy discussing movies and whatnot.

As far as the Elijah Wood thing, I think he's a bit odd looking in general and at first thought he wasn't a very good choice for the role. However, I found that as time went on he seemed to fit the role better and better. I wouldn't say you are a freak but I do disagree with your thoughts that Elijah's Frodo was too weepy and wimpy. In the book we had the advantage of seeing into Frodo's head and hearing his thoughts. In the movie, the actor had to display those emotions on his face so that the moviegoers could feel the same things as if they were reading a description of what was going on in his head. I felt that he did that extremely well. So, while I find Elijah strange looking, I felt his version of Frodo was well done with regards to the book itself.
Firstly, I actually am a freak, only sometimes people actually share my opinions instead of me being the only who thinks them...and I'm rambling again.

There's just something about Elijah Wood that annoys me, I don't know. I think it's freaky eyes.
Actually, I thought that casting Elijah Wood as Frodo was a good thing. Yes, he is sort of an odd looking fellow, but I think that actually works in his favor in the part. If you pay close attention, there are times, especially toward the end, where his face looks very much like that of Michelangelo's "David", and this after all is a sort of David and Goliath story. One small Hobbit, along with his friends, fighting against all the evil in the world, you know. I don't know if Peter Jackson noticed the resemblance, or meant for it to be there, but it is there - at least for me - and it works, in my opinion.

But, of course, it is only my opinion.:)

And, Myla, nothing wrong with being a freak, you know.:D
Quite a good point there Littlemiss, maybe it's just me who finds Elijah annoying. There's just something in his face and voice that really grates on my nerves, I don't know, I get like that with a lot of people.

:cool: I am very proud of my freakiness! Freaks will one day rule the world...or would that make us normal?
Actually, I can't imagine anyone else being Frodo. I kinda like his eyes. But maybe that's just me.:)
Actually, Sam was the one who got on my nerves in the movie. Personally I wish they could have put alot more in the movie, but then it would have been at least twice as long. Oh well, they did a pretty good job considering how it could have gone :).
The final film for me confirmed what I felt during the entire trilogy: That Frodo was a whiny good-for-nothing who ultimately stole Sam's glory (Sam being the only Hobbit who neither seriously jeopardized the mission nor fell about crying all the time). Having said that, I don't think that was Elijah Wood's fault at all. Perhaps that was how Frodo acted in the books (I only got half way through book two), but I get the feeling that Peter Jackon, in emphasising Sam and Frodo's relationship, overplayed Sam's supportive role to the point of making him the hero.
erickad71 said:
Actually, Sam was the one who got on my nerves in the movie. Personally I wish they could have put alot more in the movie, but then it would have been at least twice as long. Oh well, they did a pretty good job considering how it could have gone :).
Oh, no. I love Sam, and I love Sean Astin's portrayal of him. I think he got robbed by not getting a Best Supporting Actor nomination for the role.

The whole point, in my opinion, of the Frodo/Sam relationship is that we all get by better with a little help from our friends. Even a hero needs help along the way, because those who are called on to be heroes are human (or Hobbit:)) just like everyone else.
Oh, I agree with you. I couldn't stand Elijah Wood, and never could, either. Frodo was far too sniveling; it was just too much. There was no real pride in the character. No apparent will. To me, it seemed more that he was being dragged along by a piece of string than anything else. There's no drive to him. Of course, it can be argued that this is the way it is in the book as well. That he was but a puppet to his own fate. But nonetheless, I dislike it. Perhaps I'm just too nitpicky? Or a fellow freak of the original poster? ;)

Sam, on the other hand, is a character to love. Brave, courageous, and loyal. All the good qualities a main character should portray.
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Just wanted to point out Frodo wasn't exactly wimpy in the books

he did kill shelob the giant spider which i think is pretty impressive.
Elijah wood is a bit creepy for my taste but i like the rest of the actors
who played the hobbits. Have you ever noticed that Elijah wood always
looks the same no matter what age he is and another thing why do hobbits
always seem to have afros in the movies that portray them. Hobbits aren't exactly hip but come on man whats with the throwback disco haircuts.
It's interesting to see all the different views people have here. Glad you agree, Andreas (and that you're a fellow freak ;) ) and BlueSkelton. It's typecasting, Elijah always plays the same kind of role in every movie he makes, and annoys me just the same.
This is an old thread, but I just have to throw in -

Let me preface this by saying that I have never read the books, though I tried very hard and I can usually get through anything.

As a fangirl (more properly one of those fan girls), I spent most of the movies on the edge of my seat thinking, "Just make out already! It'll clear your head!"

I got angry at Sam when he got married at the end. No wonder Frodo left *g*

There's something about Elijah Wood that I find appealing, but in a very perverse and morbid way. I feel the same way about John Malkovich and Steve Buscemi. There's someting about them that I want, but I could never take them home to mom.

I loved all of the films, but I have to admit that Frodo grated upon the nerves. I got very tired of him fainting all the time, though his reasons were perfectly legitimate. I also got tired of his snappishness and his refusal to obey the simplest of advice, no matter who it came from.

Gollum: Don't look into the water.

Frodo: *splash*

Sam: Gollum is a liar.

Frodo: I feel his pain.

Gollum: *chomp*

Personally, I liked Merry and Pippen much more. Though they should have made out as well. ;)

heheh... another chanter. i can't say i would have been erm... unhappy, if there was a little more hobbit cuddling, or..er. right. Though ive always liked the idea of pippin and merry more. ;) hobbits are so snuggleable.

mmm... maybe this is unhealthy?
Hypes said:
Oh, I agree with you. I couldn't stand Elijah Wood, and never could, either. Frodo was far too sniveling; it was just too much. There was no real pride in the character. No apparent will. To me, it seemed more that he was being dragged along by a piece of string than anything else. There's no drive to him. Of course, it can be argued that this is the way it is in the book as well. That he was but a puppet to his own fate. But nonetheless, I dislike it. Perhaps I'm just too nitpicky? Or a fellow freak of the original poster? ;)

Sam, on the other hand, is a character to love. Brave, courageous, and loyal. All the good qualities a main character should portray.

I think that tolkien designed frodo and sam to compliment each other the way that they do. Neither could have succeded in their mission without the other. Their characteristics go together perfectly, plus you need to remember what a terrible burden carrying the ring is, so surly that on its own would explain frodo seeming like a bit of a pussy.
To be honest I thought all of the hobbits were portrayed very well...except Frodo. I have never been a fan of Elijah Wood, because I never thought he was that great of an actor.

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