Possible first 'Enterprise' Guest Star Leaked


Sovs Favorite Moderator
Sep 30, 2000
Whoooo hoooo we have Klingons...I wonder what they will look like. If this is supposed to be the time frame before TOS...:)

(Source: Enterpriseuktv)

If rumors are correct, it looks like Vaughn Armstrong (Korath, VOY) will be playing in two Star Trek episodes in a row.

The actor who played a menacing Klingon scientist in Star Trek: Voyager's series finale "Endgame" is reportedly playing a Klingon in the pilot for UPN's upcoming "Enterprise" series, which premieres in August.

Armstrong has appeared in 10 Star Trek episodes beginning as Commander Korris in Star Trek: The Next Generation's "Heart of Glory" in 1988. He holds the distinction of playing more aliens than any other actor in Star Trek with eight, including two Klingons, two Cardassians, a Vidiian, a Hirogen, a Romulan and a former Borg Drone ("Two of Nine" in the Voyager episode "Survival Instinct.")

He also has appeared on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, playing Cop in the 1999 episode "The Zeppo."
i think i heard somewhere that they will be the "new look" Klingons, as they dont want to go back to the bisto and curly moustaches look of the TOS klingons ;)
I hope they do keep them the way they are... as the first klingons looked like they were just dirty... So keep the Kilngons the way they are... u here me Mr Brangan
Ok... will ya ever give up dave.... just remember u said u would post one as well... so i will be there to make sure u will.. Ha ha ha
well i will and u dam well will now
Second possible 'guest' star leaked!

At the Warp VII convention in Manchester, England last weekend J.G. Hertzler ('Martok'), Jonathan Del Arco ('Hugh'), and Guy Vardaman (formerly of startrek.com) appeared.

Guy Vardaman let slip that Terry Hulk Hogan will be playing a recurring guest character on Enterprise. It is not confirmed by Paramount, but the Hulkamania website onfirms that he is doing a TV show for Paramount.

Any comments on this development?

There are two possible sides here:

(1) He was the ideal actor to portray the character they have in mind, came out best at audition, and is the right size and build. And what if he was a wrestler, maybe he is an excellent actor too, he just hasn't been given the right parts yet!

(2) After the appearence of the 'Rock', and the skin-tight Seven costumes in 'Voyager', here we are one more step down-the-road to the trashing of Star Trek; appealing as best they can to the 16-22 year-old boys in the audience at the expense of anyone else. What should we expect next, Lara Croft crossovers?
Re: Boots.

When did I say I would post a picture? Show me the post.

You told everyone you would and then posted a cartoon instead, not surprisingly no one was happy with that.

But I haven't been hassling you about the picture for quite some time now. I even switched of my email notification to that thread, so don't bring me into it.
Re: Re: Boots.

Originally posted by Dave
When did I say I would post a picture? Show me the post.

You told everyone you would and then posted a cartoon instead, not surprisingly no one was happy with that.

But I haven't been hassling you about the picture for quite some time now. I even switched of my email notification to that thread, so don't bring me into it.

Calm down mate..... not meant to offend u...
Sorry, I'm not offended, and I realise that this 'boots' business appears in every single one of Markpuds posts, but I haven't said a word about it for weeks. So why are you saying "will ya ever give up Dave"?
Listen guys i am constantly getting dave and markpud mixed up... so i apologise if i have seemed to have a go.... Neo trys hard not to offend...

AS for the picture i am trying.... honestly guv
(same page for me but never mind....)

seems that choice #2 is more likely, but i'll reserve judgement til i see the epsode....

I didnt dislike the Rock's ep, and sometimes having a big wrestling dude can add an onscreen presence to a role...
Hulk Hogan... oooo no... dont like the idea of that at all

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