Montgomery Scott (James Doohan)


Non Bio
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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Montgomery Scott

Also known as Scotty. Scottish Chief Engineer aboard the original Enterprise. His Starfleet serial number was SE 19754 T. he began his engineering career in 2243, and served on a total of 11 ships (Relics TNG). He once was engineering advisor on the asteroid cargo run from planet Deneva.

In 2267 he was actually killed by space probe Nomad, but it later returned him to life. He was scheduled to retire some three months after the Khitomer peace conference, and had bought a boat in anticipation of having more free time. Later that same year he was an honoured guest at the launch of the U.S.S. Enterprise-B. He finally did retire in 2294 at the age of 72, having been in Starfleet for 51 years. He was in the process of relocating to the retirement community at the Norphin Colony when his transport ship, the Jenolen, crashed into a Dyson Sphere. He then survived for 75 years by suspending himself inside a Transporter beam, until rescued by the Enterprise-D. He then embarked in the loaned shuttlecraft Goddard for parts unknown. He never married, but became romantically involved with Mira Romaine in 2269.
Great bio of Scotty! I always loved Scotty on TOS. Kirk, Spock, and McCoy where the main characters. But it was the extra which really helped make the show and Scotty was always my favorite of those.

Loved the way he was always getting things fixed quicker than he told Kirk he could. Of course that was explained to Geordi how he always added on more time!
Doohan not doing well

Not so good news for Scotty fans...:(

Is James Doohan doing OK?
The 81-year-old, best known for his role as Engineer Montgomery Scott of "Star Trek," has apparently seen better days health-wise, according to a letter sent in by a reader of the Star Trek Galactic Newsletter.

"Sue" wrote to the online newsletter, saying that Doohan appeared at a convention in her hometown (which was not identified). According to her letter, "his health is not good."

"He mentioned his brother has Alzheimer's (Disease), and I believe he has it, too," she said, although there has been no confirmed reports of Doohan suffering from the disease. "He couldn't remember William Shatner's last name when he was saying something about him, though he thought his last name 'began with a W.' He also said to us he couldn't remember as far back as three years ago, but could remember something from 40 years ago."

"Sue" also stated that Doohan's right hand is shaking badly now, and that he is missing one of his fingers. However, diehard Scotty fans know that Doohan lost that finger at the Battle of Normany during World War II when he was a fighter pilot for the Royal Canadian Artillery.

"He came through the doors very slowly and he had some people help him up the stairs and where he needed it. It looks like the 'Miracle Worker' needs a miracle for himself."

Doohan has been married to his wife Wende since 1975, and they have three children, two sons and a daughter that was born just last year.

Doohan hasn't made a television appearance since the pilot of the failed UPN series, "Homeboys in Outer Space" in 1996. However, he did voice the character "Kardassian" in a 1997 episode "Duckman." His last movie appearance was in 1999's "The Duke."

Doohan made his television debut playing a guest spot in the short-lived science fiction series "Tales of Tomorrow," and got his first regular gig in the 1953 series "Space Command" as Phil Mitchell.

He appeared in many episodes of "Star Trek" and the first seven films, including 1994's "Star Trek Generations" as Scotty.
awe thats really sad, he is my favourite engineer out of all the
star trek series's...peachy:(
i wouldn't say he was my fave but I do hope he's okay. :smile:
Sorry to hear that...hope his health picks up.

wow, he became a father again just last year?? Didn't know that.

little star :star:
Doohan's health worsens.

James Doohan's agent has confirmed the tragic news that James Doohan is being hospitalized for pneumonia. "He has pneumonia," stated the Steven's Group. "He is now getting ready to go into rehab for a week."
Doohan Hospitalized Again

The Sy Fy Portal Web site reported that James Doohan has been hospitalized again after suffering a second bout of pneumonia. Fellow Trek actor Walter Koenig (Chekov) reported the news.

Doohan, 82, suffered an earlier bout of pneumonia back in February that left him hospitalized for three weeks, the site reported. Doohan, who has a 2-year-old daughter, Sarah, has said that he is retiring from the convention circuit after this year, the site added.
Such sad news unfortunately I dont think the talented Mr Doohan is going to be with us for much longer.

I really liked Scotty ...even named my number four son Scott after his charactor.
Doohan In A Coma.

Sadly, I think you are right Stripe.

The Sy Fy Portal Web site posted a report that James Doohan, has slipped into a coma after suffering a recurrence of pneumonia and is not expected to recover. The site based the report on a source close to Doohan's family, who told the site that Doohan has been in a comatose state in an intensive care unit for the past two weeks.

"He never recovered from the bout with pneumonia and had even been re-hospitalized and released again without anybody finding out," the source told the site. "It seems just a matter of his system shutting down at this point and how long it will take. Just meeting him the [past] few times has been pretty hard, as you could easily see how much he had slowed down mentally. The only reason he was attending those [conventions] was to raise money for his daughter. I guess we're lucky we've had him as long as this."
Doohan doing better now.

(Sy Fy Portal now reports that the earlier rumors of his failing health were premature)

Sometimes these conflicting internet rumors can become quite funny, but it seems a little sick to me in this instance:

Doohan Comatose?

UPDATE (05-06-2002, 4:05 p.m. ET): Zap2it has talked with Steve Stephens, James Doohan's agent, and said that the actor is not comatose, and actually is home undergoing extensive rehabilitation after being confined to bed for 13 weeks for pneumonia.

The Zap2it report comes following a source report that the 82-year-old was in worse shape than previously reported. SyFy Portal, which is a news and rumors site, had been working on confirming the report which stated that doctors did not anticipate a recovery. The We did note in our initial report that details were still in the rumor stage.

Stephens said, however, that it will be quite a while before Doohan re-enters the convention circuit.

"He is not ready to do any personal appearances yet," Stephens told Zap2it. "He is home and he is doing rehabilitation ... a lot of the stuff he's going through now are a result of his injuries from World War II."

Stephens did note that Doohan has been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and diabetes.

Doohan was first hospitalized with pneumonia in February, but apparently had recovered. News of him being rehospitalized recently came from fellow actor Walter Koenig (Chekov, TOS).
Doohan, who uttered some of the most famous lines in television history as Capt. Montgomery Scott on "Star Trek" and seven successive movies (as well as a guest stint on "Star Trek: The Next Generation"), made news just two years ago with the birth of his daughter, Sarah, when he was 80 years old. His wife, Wende, was 43 at the time.

Doohan maintained a healthy showbiz career despite the fact he was missing the middle finger of his right hand, a piece of trivia few fans are even aware of. Doohan lost the finger during D-Day of World War II when he was part of the Royal Canadian Artillery.

He later received an honorary engineering degree from the Milwaukee School of Engineering after it was learned through a poll that more than half the students said they pursued engineering as a career thanks to watching Scotty in the original "Star Trek."

News of Doohan's health comes near the three-year anniversary of the passing of DeForest Kelley (Dr. Leonard McCoy, TOS), who died of stomach cancer on June 11, 1999.
Last month James Doohan announced that his next convention appearence would be his last. It has just recently been revealed that he has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease like his brother, (he is also battling Parkinson's Disease and diabetes).

There is also a move to have a star placed on the famous walk of fame for him. He is one of the last members from the original crew not to have one.
BBC and Independent Radio stations in the UK have announced that James Doohan died today, aged 85.

edit: from SciFi Wire:
Trek's Doohan Dies At 85
James Doohan, who played chief engineer Montgomery "Scotty" Scott in the original Star Trek and subsequent films, died early July 20 at his Redmond, Wash., home, the Associated Press reported. He was 85.

Doohan died at 5:30 a.m., with his wife of 28 years, Wende, at his side, Los Angeles agent and longtime friend Steve Stevens told the wire service.The cause of death was pneumonia and Alzheimer's disease, he said.

Doohan was born March 3, 1920, in Vancouver, B.C. Doohan was enjoying a busy career as a character actor when he auditioned for a role as an engineer in a new space adventure on NBC in 1966. A master of dialects from his early years in radio, he tried seven different accents.

"The producers asked me which one I preferred," Doohan recalled 30 years later, the AP reported. "I believed the Scot voice was the most commanding. So I told them, 'If this character is going to be an engineer, you'd better make him a Scotsman.'"

When Star Trek ended in 1969, Doohan found himself typecast as Scotty. But Star Trek continued in syndicated TV both in the United States and abroad, and its following grew larger and more dedicated. In his later years, Doohan attended 40 fan gatherings around the country and lectured at colleges. He eventually reprised the role in six Star Trek movies.

In a 1998 interview, Doohan was asked if he ever got tired of hearing the line "Beam me up, Scotty."

"I'm not tired of it at all," he replied. "Good gracious, it's been said to me for just about 31 years. It's been said to me at 70 miles an hour across four lanes on the freeway. I hear it from just about everybody. It's been fun."
I found this wonderful tribute to what I consider one of the best and most believable actors of my time (in my honest opinion). Although most young girls of my age idolized Kirk or Spock, Scotty was my childhood idol. :)


And no better tribute to his achievements than to scatter his remains in the place he so inspired many to look towards. He will be missed and not forgotten by many.

Space, his final frontier
Remains of Star Trek's 'Scotty' headed for space

Remains of Star Trek's 'Scotty' headed for space
Saturday, October 15, 2005; Posted: 7:14 a.m. EDT (11:14 GMT)

LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Evidently "Star Trek" actor James "Scotty" Doohan took the catchphrase "beam me up" very seriously -- his cremated remains will be launched into space in accord with his last wishes.

Commercial space flight operator Space Services Inc. will launch the late actor's remains into space aboard its Explorers Flight on December 6, a company spokeswoman said on Friday.

She said the remains of more than 120 others will be aboard the flight, including those of an unidentified astronaut and Mareta West, the astrogeologist who determined the site for the first spacecraft landing on the moon.

Space Services spokeswoman Susan Schonfeld declined to identify the astronaut whose cremated remains will be launched into space. She said the name would be announced the day of the launch.

Doohan, who portrayed feisty chief engineer Montgomery "Scotty" Scott on the "Star Trek" television series, died in July at age 85.

On the program, when Capt. James Kirk ventured off the spaceship Enterprise and faced peril, he would demand Scotty "beam" his body up to the safety of the ship.

The actual phrase "Beam me up, Scotty," was not used on the show, but it entered pop culture.

To mark the flight into his final frontier, Doohan's family will hold a
service for fans on a 60-acre site near Vandenberg Air Force Base north of Los Angeles the day of the launch to pay tribute to him. Some fans are expected to attend in the formal white suit of a Star Fleet commander.

"I can't think of a more fitting send-off than having some of his fans attend this, his final journey," his widow, Wende Doohan, said in an open invitation to the service.

"Star Trek" creator Gene Roddenberry also had his remains shot into space after his death in 1991. They returned to Earth in 2002, Schonfeld said.

Doohan's cremated remains will be packed into a special tube that is ejected from the rocket and expected to orbit Earth for about 50 to 200 years before plunging into the planet's atmosphere and burning up.

Fans can post tributes to Doohan at the Space Services Web site. Those messages will be digitized, packed with "Scotty" and blasted into space.

Copyright 2005 Reuters. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
I remember what a sweetheart of a man James Doohan was. He came to Fort Wayne several years ago, and I talked to him for some time. I have a character in Star Trek The Role Playing Game (the Last Unicorn Games version) who also has some Scottish ancestry, and I was dressed in character at the convention. I had on my Murray clan tartan scarf, and he stopped me, shook my hand, and called ME Scotty! (I think he thought i was dressed as his character.) We talked, and he told me about the tartan that representatives of clan Scot had given him, making him an honorary clan member. We talked for some time. He was a real gentleman. I miss you, Jimmy. May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. Eternal rest grant onto him, oh Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. Amen. May he, and l the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace. Amen.

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