Well, write to MGM and put your point forward, but do it snail mail rather than email.....
I was told on another list that it doesn't need to be a deluge of letters, but if MGM got a steady flow of 20 or 30 a week, all of the snail mail letters have to be registered (unlike emails and petitions) and read and they will count.
That's the way fans of other shows do it. But to be honest, from what I've seen on other lists and forums, all of the fans are either going for the Chicken Little impression - The iris is closing, the iris is closing! or are going for the 'oh well, it was nice while it lasted, but *sob sob*, what can lil ole me do about it?' tacks. I was even taken to task on one forum for putting my opinion forward that they should perhaps fight for what they want and love, instead of going down without so much as a whimper.
Someone on another list even asked if there was any point at all in going to the Gatecon this year!
I have found it all quite amazing. You want something, you fight for it.....that's what I was always taught!
Needless to say my own letter has been posted. It will take a while to get there from the UK, but it will get there. All I said was, very politely, that it was a fine show, one of the best on TV today and that I would be most disappointed if it ended etc etc. I didn't get cross, but I was enthusiastic without being hysterical.