Originally posted by Analise
Kronos just said he was the "end of time" not that he was time.
The Four Horsemen really were War, Famine, Death, and Pestilence.
If i remember this correctly, Methos was Death, Silas was Famine, Caspian was Pestilence, and Kronos was War.
Not sure if I got that exactly right but I do know Methos was Death. *bg*
Methos was Death because he said so. *shrug* Can't really think of an exact reason why off the top of my head. Kronos was War because...well...I would like to think he caused a lot of wars. Dunno about Silas mebbe it has to do with him eating so much he put the world into Famine. And Pestilence just seems to fit Caspian....
Also, I don't think that in HL they ever directly said who any of them were besides Methos and he could have just been referring to the Death all of them brought, not that he himself was Death. Did that make sense?
and yes - i have put more thought into this than the PTB --
and ana's right -- it's War, Death, Famine, and Pestilence
okay - so - the only one i'm changing from my list is Kronos - which would be Pestilence --
def of Pestilence: (from dictionary.com)
A usually fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague.
A pernicious, evil influence or agent.
and that seems to fit Kronos -- quite well, actually --
so - i still say Caspian is War --
Kronos actually would also be Time -- Kronos - chronology - time - makes sense -- (stupid latin based languages and my 11th grade english teacher who taught us how to break down words)
anyway --- you're right - the series never said who was who -- but, it still works out --
Methos as Death -- well, he was the strategist on this trip, so he 'planned' the deaths of these bands of people - so, in a way he would be Death --
Kronos - very much resembled a disease - not only that - it very well parallels his choice of using a virus to destroy ppl
Silas as Famine -- this was solely based on his name when i was handing out titles -- but he did eat frequently - and maybe he was responsible for the destruction of the crops when the horsemen raided a village -- we don't know b/c the PTB never said -
Caspian as War - well the man was just violent and crazy - kinda like War -- and he was very eager to fight whenever there was an arugment or dispute --- plus - War was the only thing left -- the best i can do w/ that one --- esp since we, again, have no character background --
okay - maybe i've been thinking about this TOO much ----
or - i should slap this over in the plot bunny thread and let someone else take a stab at writing a story -