Stargate Point of Origin pendants


Trivia Goddess
Sep 24, 2000
Hi guys,
i was bragging over in the fan fic thread about a pendant a friend of mine made for me. and she has agreed to make it for anyone who wants one.

NOw mine is a little over an inch tall, almost an inch wide at the base, weighs almost 1/2 an ounce of solid silver and has a garnet on the 'o' part at the top

if anyone is interested in contacting her please e-mail me and i'll pass on her address(nothing personal but i don't just want to splash it all over the net.)

i'm not sure of the cost, mine was gratis but you can inquire of her.
no pressure and if you're not interested it's no problem.
i do know she was thinking of sending mgm a pic and see if they'll give her 'official' rights to make them but...well if atlantis can pretty blatantly use the '/\' shape...what's the big deal?

(i scanned it and tried to post it but it's too big for this forum.)
Try sending me a scan of it by e-mail and maybe my son can downsize it and post it here! Hummm. Sounds as If Asgard's Mom could persuade him to get her one for Christmas/Kwaanza/Chanakka.
sky, could u send me an emial of the picture. I'd like ot see it. Cheers :)
jsc, i have yours but i fyou guys want to send me your e-mail addys i'll try to send you a scan of the pendant when i get home tonight.
i tried to downsize it but couldn't make paint do that.
When Asgard wakes up will have him downsize and attach to this thread! Or does he need to downsize? This isn't an avatar or if you want to use as avatar... he could do that also!
it's too big to be attached so it needs to be downsized somehow.
if asgard wants to make it smaller you can jsut attach it to this thread so everyone can see it


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isn't he a great kid!!!

i always knew that, despite what JSC says about you <G>

thanks bunches.
Hey Skydiver

I've seen the picture and love it, but can you email me some more details please.

Ta much.

i was very pleasantly surprised when i picked it up. i had no idea she was so talented
it is pretty. monique borrowed it back to take some pics of it. i felt naked without it. finally got it back last night
Thats a nice pendant! Your friend is really talented!
I know this is really late in the game, so I don't expect miracles--but I really liked the picture of the pendant and I was just wondering if I could still get one. Please feel free to email me if you're still around. Thanks.

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