What a great topic! I know exactly what you mean polymorphikos!

I tried to break free from that in writing my story War Tiger. I've used humans, elves, dragons, fairies and various mythological creatures, but invented lots of races too: Zarins, Ngambakka, Wolvas, Hupia, Myrinians, Fenra, Eldrataurs, Narob-Kai, Slukks, Neas, Einhyrim and Remmoncol. All the above are copyrighted (c) to ME and me alone, and if you dare steal them I'll get upset!
Off the top of my head? OK, here goes...
The Cassenthrians are a humaniod race, usually inhabiting the mountians of Sarhil in the south of Arrondale, though they are sometimes known to wander further north on occasion. Their lifespan is usually twice that of mortal men, and they tend to live solitary lives, small clans and communities nestling in the mountain heights.
Over the centuries, they have adapted to life in the mountain heights, and are adept hunters and weavers. They also possess a wide breadth of arcane knowledge, and often travellers tell tales of Cassenthrians practising the dark arts of necromancy, symbolism, spirit-summoning and blood-letting, though these stories, in our times, are considered to be bedtime tales and nothing more.
Humanlike in appeaance are the Cassenthrians, of similar height and girth. They commonly dress in plain garb and unadorned robes, hoods drawn to cover their angular, "inhuman" faces and bright-coloured hair, and keep out the mountain cold. Whgilst out of sight from human eyes they shed their outer garments and dress in bright, ceremonious robes, with great headdresses and many jewels.
Cassenthrians rarely pay heed to the activity of the outside world, and are tolerant of strangers passing into their territory. There is little "evil" to be found in them.
Hang on, they sound cool

I'm using them!