Darks Fan Fiction


Anime God
Aug 27, 2000
Darks fic
(The story starts in a battle arana in side our solar system)

(a puff of smoke appears a round us were are transported to some planet)
Asgard: were are we?
D: Terra. I transported us here before destroying our Solar System!
S:Ha, u not gunna get my Pikachu that easily!!!! Pikachu, once more, max power aimed straight at dark, now!!!! Damn, arc, where are you??!!
(Every one but Asgard and Dark were sperated in the teleportation)
D: GRRR> Serena. You will fall like your parents!!! BWAHAHAH The Negaversa were right to kill you!! BWAHAHAH.

Behemoth, meteor on Serena!!!!!!!!!!!! BWAHAHAH

(meteoris fall from the sky and hot serena)
S: rini, use ur crystal on dark!
<dark is swallowed by pink silver crystal rays...........the crystal is slowing cleansing him of his evilness>
keep it up, rini, he soon gunna be defeated............
D:(Dark smashes the crystal with his sword)


Fall like your parents, BWAHAHAHA!!!

(Dark swoops down and slahes @ Serena)
neva gunna happen!!! <rini's shattered crystal reforms into a massive shield around serrie an' her aliens>
ok, now 4 da ultimate attack..........dark, u sure u wanna continue.......cuz this attack maybe da end of ya..........
Ah! I'm...I'm...RINI!!! BLAST YOU!!!! Nooooooooooooo. What the hell has happened.

FIRAGA!!!!!!! WHAT? I can't use it! What the hell, my magic, my SWORD!! NO!!! PHOENIX!!!!!!!!!

*Shrinks to the ground*

What...What has happened to me?
(Trona comes out of nowere)
Trona: ok I'm on strict orders from serena 2 cum + help her but I know nothin of anime. Peonix, cristal, parents? ok - improvise, trona produces v large... erm... lamp + hits DEL and A with it...
Serena: hiya trona (another of my minions), no needs 4 violence now...........i fink rini's last crystal blast has made him gud.........
....<heart beat sounds>

(Picks up the Phoenix blade....)

D: My brother............dead................that's how..................my anger................


(A sheet of ice collects under Trona, and rises, hitting Trona into the air...)
Serena: trona, come back............rini's crystal rays extend to pull trona back into the safe crystal shield...........
D: Alex...................my...........brother?.........He died................to the negaverse? With my sword?...How is this
(Runs at Trona and stabs her through the stomach...)
Stress?....Anger..........My brother...............dies to the hands of my very enemys.............

Life on Trona. Trona gets back up, with the wounds healed...
D: Now..............Now.................Now I see..........They will die!

<Dark hovers into the air, and uses an unknown force to knocking Trona, Arc and Serena over. They then flies off..................
D: ......<puff, puff> What the...AH! I'm...I'm...good? must....not............give in................
(An image of Serena mother appears to Dark through the lightning bolt that struck him...)

SM: You have been evil for too long Del. You must now pay the price!

(The scene cuts to Darks face covered in Blood)
SM:..............You must pay for the damage you have cause to the peace loving world......You have made the hearts of people fall to you like toys. Well, NO MORE! Feel the punsihment of love!!!!!!!

(The scene looks to dark looking @ Serena mother, and then a massive red beam hittinh him...)
D: You may be the mother of Serena, but your dead! You cannot harm me...

SM: I may b dead, but the love and strength keeps me alive. You are the dead one Del....

D: No. Never. I will not accept that!

SM: You must. Your dead.

D: No

SM: Yes. You were dead when you saw your brother killed by the negaverse.
D: .....................................
D: My........brother.............

SM: Yes. You remeber. He was killed with the very sword you hold now.

(Looks at the Phoenix Blade)


SM: Yes. You remember. Through the very heart you held dear...

D: How......can........this............be...
SM: Your brother, Alex.

D: That is impossible. he died...................

SM: You don't know how do you?

D: I.............

SM: Killed by the very sword you hold. Through the hear......


SM: Del. You cannot run from the truth!

D: I can run all I want. It's you who are runninf, your dead. You have no influence!

SM: Is that so...

(Dark is thrown into the air by an unknown force....)
SM: You are still young Del. You are still foolish.

D: NO. I am not. I will not beleive you!

SM: (sighs) You still need to learn DEL

*Del screams with agony as lightning starts to flash from his body. He falls to the ground.*

D: ........ . .

SM: You Del have no knowledge. Yo need to see what it is to see pain, and feel love. Remember this....

(A beam fires at Del, knocking him back bad....)

SM: When Worlds Collide...

D: They do so with fear...

SM: And Anger...

D: And love....

SM: And what they don't see...

D: They can learn...

SM: You remember...

D: ???.......
D: What is this I remember?

SM: A verse to a poem

D: What poem?

SM: My Poem!
D: !!no

SM: Yes. The poem of the planets.

D: How do I know this?

SM: You know because I know.

D: STOP IT! Tell me know or perish again, to the depth of death and hell!

SM: Learning is a slow process.

~IDark draws his sword, and goes into an attacking stance. However, Serena's mom flings him back. The blood still on his face from the unknown attack earlier.~
SM: Your brother and even u del knew me, and everyone else for that matter!

D: What? How is this?

SM: Let me take you there DEL.

D:Enough talk. I need to know why I am here. Am I dead?

SM: Your evil is the result of your brothers death!

D: Grrrrrrrrrrrr. You........

SM: Come.

Dark is lifted into the air, and a portal opens behind him Del and Serena's mom hover into it, although Dark is reluctant...
SM: Here. This is where it all began.
D: I do not know this place!

~The scene cuts to a view of a road. Beside the road are buildings, and lamps that are made out of organic material. They hover forward to the road.~

SM: I think you do..Look more closely...

~The buildings and lamps change to ruins. The blue sky changes to a dark red color, and the road gets all cracked.~

D: !!! Terra!

SM: Correct. The planet of dispair.

D: But, but. Why did it look so, calm?

SM: That is what it was like beofre its destruction.

d: Destruction?
SM: Come. Let's see something else.

d: ??? But what about Terra. Why was it calm. What happened?

*They walk into another portal, which takes them too......*

d: The moon?

SM: How did you know this was the moon?

D: I don't know.

SM: You were here.

D: What?
SM: The Silver Millenium celebrations.

ME: Silver Millenium....I.....remember something.

SM: Ah. Is see. Now you remember something.

ME: I do. I remember people, ice skating on the frozen lake.

SM: Does this remind you?

~She waves her hand, and the moon is transformed full of people, laughing and drinking. There are many people on the moon.~

ME: ! Yes. I remember.

SM: You were here. Look to the sky. The Negaverse.

ME: ?

~The scene changes to the sky, were a massive ball of white light falls from. It gets to the point where the poeple think that it's going to crash when the scene cuts again.~

SM: Learn more your self. Here...

ME: What?

SM: Take this. You will need this item...

~She hands him a stone, that glows a red color when he touches it.~

SM: Go.

~She makes a ball of fire in her hand, and smashes it on the floor. THe lightning beam Dark was in goes. He appears in an allyway.~
~Dark loos around the ally way. He can see a garbage can, with some rubbish falling out of it. He goes to get his sword.~

ME: AH! Where the hell? I can't use magic, or my sword. GRRR. Where the hell am I?

~Dark walks out of the ally and onto the street. It is a nice sunny day, with the trees swaying in the breeze. Suddenly, there is a massive thump!~


~A girl with blue hair and blue eyes has bumped into Dark and fallen over, and has dropped all her books. (It's AMI incase u didn't know, ma avatar!)~

ME: What the hell are you doing?

AMI: Sorry!

ME: Yeah. You should be. Get out of my way!

~Dark jumps over her, and walks slowly off around the corner.~

AMI: What was his problem.


~A girl with brown hair in a pony-tail walks up to AMI.~

LITA: What heppened to you?

AMI: A boy just knocked me over, I dunno who he aws. Came out of the ally there.

LITA: Where'd he go?

AMI: Down the road. He had a reddish glow in his eyes.

LITA: Well. We gotta go. Gotta get to school ya know!

~Lita helps Ami up and they walk off.....~
~DEL is warking down the road he just turned. He looks at his cloths, and into a shop window to see himself.~

ME: I'm...I'm still the same as I was. But where the hell am I?

~He looks up at the sky~

ME: WHY! WHERE!......Who am I?

He continues to walk forward until he meets a man with dark brown hair, and blue eyes.

ME: Where am I?

MAN: What. You alright buddy?


MAN: Your on 15th avenue.


MAN: You gotta be joakin! Oh well ~Chuckles slightly~ Earth.


~Del walks past the man and round another corna where he sees a bus stop. He walks up to it and leans against it.~

ME: Why did you bring me here to this planet? I can learn nothing here!...
~DEL looks up at the sky. The clouds roll on, glistning in the sky. Few people walk past him.~

ME: Hmmm. I wonder why this place is so deserted?

~Del gets up from the lampost and walks down the street. The day slowly turns to night as Del carries on walking. The Evening sun reflects of his eyes like a Diamond. He carries on until he meets a large building. The building has a very large door, with a list of names on the side of it.~

ME: Hmm. These names. This place must be a flat of somesort. Nevermind. Serves no use to me. This might be a good time to have a look at this red stone.

~Del gets out the stone that Queen Serenity gave him before transporting here. It glows an even more gleaming red color as he takes it out of his pocket.~

ME: Hmm. Maybe this is the key to the power....

~He gets up and continues to walk. The evening is now nearly completely night, and all the lights on. Just as he turns a corner, a few kids come up to him. Del notices them, but doesn't apy any attention.~

Kid 1: What the hell is that thing that kids carrying?

Kid 2: Looks expensive.

Kid 1: Let's get it.

Kid 3: Ok. Ha!

~The kids walk up to Del, and stand about 5 feet away from him.~

Kid 1: Oi, you. What's that you got there?

Me: That's none of buisness.

Kid 1: Oh. I think it is. Hand it over!

Me: ....

Kid 3: I think we'll have to use a slightly morem puersasive tactic!

~He gets out a knife, and walks towards Del.~

Me: Fool.

~Del walks up and goes for his sword.~

ME: ??? AH! I forgot, it's not there! Umm.

~Del studders backwards~

Kid 1: Ah ha ha ha. Hand it over.

~The kids run at him. Del turns and runs, but slips over and drops the crystal down a drain.~

Kid 1: Dammit! Common guys. This guys over.

~The kids walk off, and Del is left franticaly looking at the drain. He tries to pull of the cover, but it doesn't move.~

Del: DAMN!!!!!!!! :angryfire!!

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