The Cool Website I Helped My Friend Jolinar@Carter Build!

I recommend this web site 2 all Stargate fans. It's really cool and its got stuff about Angel and x-files too.

Hi Lene. Thanks! I'm glad you like it. I enjoyed our chat last night. I'll email u tonight cuz we were in the middle of discussing.

S.Q. :rolly2: :alienooh: :evil: :D
If you're just starting to visit websites...if you are just starting to watch the show....if you are roughly 12 years of age.....and if you like to go colorblind....I recommend this site, otherwise there are plenty of sites with more information, better pictures and so forth:rolly2:
Remember that she's only 12!

Hey! Give her a break! It's pretty cool for a twelve year old I think. I helped with the Goa'uld and RDA page and one that isn't up yet. She's in the process of changing the back grouns because she's figuring html and stuff like that out as she goes along, so give her a break! She's v. smart and soon all pages will have a space background so it will be easier to read.
go to agree that is pretty cool for 12 year old, i'm 16/17 and i just cracked html to perfection, im moving onto php and mysql now but the rate shes going at 12 she will prob have masterd php herself and be able to make her own version of vBulletin let alone a web site using it, so just cut some slack for her, after all it is only a fan site, its for all fans, if it and others weren't there what would you do?
lol sorry for going a bit far there. can always visit my site, it's kinda like a rip off of this i suppose...
Very pretty site, showing talent and effort. I'll add your URL to my site's SG1 list.

You do have some non-functioning links (at least they didn't work for me this morning) and your cast list omits both Michael Shanks and Corin Nemec.
C'mon, a sitebuilder?!! One should've been able to do better with a site builder.

~Shu Hunter
:upto: Stargate fan{atic}

I just went to look at your page, a few links don't work, but as you've just got it up it's understandable. I'm working on a site at the moment and it's taking ages to make sure all the Links work. It's annoyingly fiddley stuff to do.

Otherwise a cool fanfic site. I don't see why that person complined about it. It's much more than I could do when I was 12, if that's your age Jolinar@Carter. Though at 12 I had only just discoverd the internet at my home, and now at 17 I still can't figure out how to do the drop down menus like you have. I stick to a very simple layout. But my site is mainly fan art so I don't want to make it fancy it gets distracting. :)

Thank you for putting your efforts towards what looks to be a very promising site.


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