Jaffa prisoners @ Tau'ri ..


Apophis' First Prime
Oct 13, 2000
kel sha,

we've never seen it in a show (i'm @ s4, watergate) but what do the tau'ri with the Jaffa warriors they capture ?

do they remove the Prim'ta and let the host die (but that would be against the "ethic" and "morale" of the Tau'ri) ?

do they heed the "geneva conventions" (don't know if this is correct spelled) when the held them in a prison ? ;) ;)

kree sha
Originally posted by Geronimo
kel sha,
do they remove the Prim'ta and let the host die (but that would be against the "ethic" and "morale" of the Tau'ri) ?

do they heed the "geneva conventions" (don't know if this is correct spelled) when the held them in a prison ? ;) ;)

kree sha

Good questions here. My take on the matter is:

In #1:We, the American government's stand on it, would not allow the removal of the Prim'ta andlet the host die as it goes against the moral and the consitiutional right of 'life, liberty and the prusuit of happiness' in that it would take a life. We do not torture even war criminals. Since there were 'caotured' during part of a military situation, they would fall under military convention. They would be considered 'POW's' and the Geneva Convention in regards to the care and treatment of POW's would come into play.

Now... in the 'darker sides' of the Government, all bets may well be off.

In #2: Remember, the Jaffa are currently be seen as 'military prisioners' and can be held as such without entering the Americal Cival Judicial system for as long as the 'conflict' is still going on and determined as military involvement only. IE: The 'world' via it's voice as the United Nations, is not at a state of war with the Goa'uld. If the UN became involved, the Jaffa would have to be 'accused'of perpetrating acts that were defined by the Geneva Convention as 'War Crimes'. At that time, they would be held for trial. Depending on the outcome of that trial, they would be, if found guilty, either exicuted or remended to prison for the determined sentance. If found not guilty, I'm not sure what would happen.

As military prisioners, as I mentioned, they would be classified as 'POW's' as treated as such under the Geneva Convention.
kel sha,

the problem for the tau'ri would not be the Prim'ta ('cos the Jaffa and the Prim'ta are undependent from each together) ..
the Jaffa by himself serves the Goa'uld ... the larvae only heals (and prevents) him ...

if the tau'ri would be able to remove the Prim'ta from the host what would they do with the Goa'uld ?
i think that they would use them in an lab for experiments instead of handle it the "official way" ...

perhaps there would be an ep one day where an Jaffa or an god (Systemlord) will be capped from the tau'ri ..

kree sha
I think it is safe to assume that anyone/thing turning up in Area 52 (the SGC) will end up in Area 51 (Nevada) pretty soon... and there is LOADS of evidence that this goes on all the time in the background... Touchstone, Point of View, Bane, to name a few.

Also... 'Project Bluebook', 'Project Sliverfire', 'Project Stargate' ...[honest... there was a classified military weapons project back in the 40's called 'Stargate'... :} ]
Re: Yep...

Originally posted by Rowan
'Project Stargate' ...[honest... there was a classified military weapons project back in the 40's called 'Stargate'... :} ]
And how might you have come across that information? Hmm? *Maybourne types, as kelsi lies unconscious on the floor* :dead: :alienooh:
Re: Yep...

Originally posted by Rowan
Also... 'Project Bluebook', 'Project Sliverfire', 'Project Stargate' ...[honest... there was a classified military weapons project back in the 40's called 'Stargate'... :} ]

and what was the purpose / contents of this project ? a chappa'ai IRL ? ;)

can u imagine the thought if the (U.S.) government would tell u that there's a chappa'ai in real ?? u know what this means ???


'Project Star Gate'

'Project Star Gate' was a CIA's psychics project aimed at gathering intellengence by means of remote viewing, etc. It was a different project that the Department of Defenses psycic project that ran before it from the mid 1970-s to 80's: about the same time frame the Russians were doing their own investigations.


So... no aliens from outer space. That was more 'Project Blue Book' line.

thx for that info and the URL's ... i'll visit them tomorrow ...
i'm now off for :eek: (a Jaffa also needs his regeneraton phase) ..

lek'tol !

Good Night, Sweet Jaffa, and flights of Goa'uld sing thee to they rest.

Re: Night

Originally posted by Rowan
Good Night, Sweet Jaffa, and flights of Goa'uld sing thee to they rest.
Wow, there's an ... amusing ... image... :D
Re: Night

Originally posted by Rowan
Good Night, Sweet Jaffa, and flights of Goa'uld sing thee to they rest.


much thx, it was a long, good dreamless night ..

since i'm Jaffa i prefer Kel'no'reem more than sleeping ;) it's better - u should try it too :cool:

now i'm ready to serve my god again and get new hosts for his children :alienooh:

lek'tol !
All sorts of "interesting" theories (including the infamous Star Gate project) that were examined by various government agencies (and some other bizarre and even plausible ideas) are detailed in "The Stargate Conspiracy" by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince
All sorts of "interesting" theories (including the infamous Star Gate project) that were examined by various government agencies (and some other bizarre and even plausible ideas) are detailed in "The Stargate Conspiracy" by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince...

i also have read (resp. i am reading) a book, called 'stargate' (don't know the author and i'm too lazy to search the book but if anyone is more interested i can obtain that info ;) and it's a book from a man who recherched in the U.S. & in the egypt 'bout this things .... i am @ 'bout the half of the book (i normally don't read books - perhaps i've not enough fantasia :( ) but it's very interesting ...
there r photos of hyroglyphes in the egypt which looks like helicopters, tanks etc. and there r much more strange things which i can't remember exactly but it really seems to be that the u.s. government wants to cover up some things which r discovered in egypt ....

i hope i've time to read the book 'til the end 'cos it's the first book which seems to be interesting to me :D


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