Oops, didn't mean to necropost. OP and the second poster haven't been here in more than 8 years. Baylor, you leadeth me into error.
Added: But as long as I'm here: I looked at the links that appear at the bottom of the page and then looked up MZB with the search function. Interesting. Either posts/threads have been deleted or she isn't at all popular here. Which is a good reflection on the crowd here. Not saying that because of the allegations but just because her books strike as goofy. I'm sorry for people who coauthored with her. Truth, lies, exaggerations, right, or wrong - they probably got royally fastened with a helical inclined plane, because I'm sure that stuff hurt her sales. Mercedes Lackey did at least one with her, and while I haven't read any of ML's books, I do like her music, and from what I read she's a pretty nice lady.
I think the only reason I recognise MZB's name is beacuse it is kind of unusual, and for the longest time I had her confused with Zane Grey who wrote in another genre I don't pay much attention to. Then I read something that implied she was a female fantasy writer and went "Huh?!?" and looked her up 'cause I was startled he was a she and didn't write westerns.