A question


Red Pixie Boot Wearer
Mar 12, 2001
According to the TrekWeb report of a recent Enterprise press conferencs the NX-01 "has no shields like previous Trek vessels; only hull plating."
Based on this new information, what tactical stratagies can we expect during enemy engagements.

I hope to see dramatic submarine-esque battles like those in "Hunt for Red October" or "UB-471".
could be interesting, like the situation with Kirk and Khan in the nebula, that kind of thing.... :cool:
It has already been done as 'Balance of Terror' TOS. It has whole sections of dialogue and situations drawn directly from the motion pictures 'Run Silent, Run Deep' and 'The Enemy Below'.

The cramped quarters of the Romulan ship are just like a Submarine, and they keep looking into a monitoring device which is exactly like a periscope.
I read somewhere that he will sleep on on his shuttle in the shuttle bay ???? LOL... probably just another fan started rummour
My 2 cents

Anxiously awating the answers to my many question. Does a prequel produced in the new millenium affect a series originally produced in the 60's. What in the name of the Space Time Continuim is going on here. I guess all I can do is wait till August.
well i guess it will fit into the timeline and they will make efforts not to completely screw the continuum up, but we just ahave to imagine that Kirk and co remembered all about capt Archer, the sulibans, etc, just never mentioned it for some reason....
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