2.02: Love Gods


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Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Love Gods 2:2

The story-line 'slide' began about now...

Quinn, Arturo and Rembrandt are in demand in a world with a distinctive shortage of men. It's up to Wade to save them from captivity in a "Re-Population Center" where they are detained with other males and prepared for their new role as "breeders."

Some plus points:

The 'evidence' of the toilet seat being up.

Gwynyth Walsh as a police Lieutenant aka B'Etor from Star Trek.
This ep. was a nine. The pace was going good. They didn't spend to long on any one storythread. Wade came out the greatest. This showed that she was not going to be just scenery.

However, i always wondered one thing about this Ep. At the end Wade drive a van through a wormhole. And Quinn jumps in after. That is the one other world landing I WANTED to see.


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