Perimeter defense weapons


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2001
Does the team deploy (or is it even necessary?) with any type of perimeter defense weapon such as Claymores, trip flares, or similar? I think the new Pursuit Deterrent Munition would be kinda cool.
I can count a few times that claymores are used. First mention is in the pilot, IIRC. That doesn't really count as perimeter of camp stuff. But even in season three "Maternal Instinct" Sam is instructed to lay some down in advance of the approaching Jaffa.

And I recall one thing in "The First Commandment" that was a motion dectector thingi. I don't think Jack had much faith in it. Because Teal'c demonstrated it by thowing a rock at it, his comment was something like "great, if little rocks sneak up on us we're set." I think he'd rather trust a few people taking watch than electronic stuff.
Perimeter defense

The main problem with an active peremiter [does something] verses an inactive [alert only] perimeter defense system is active blows your whole covert cover.

If you're sneaking in to see what the planet's got to offer, you don't want to announce yourself to everyone [claymores tend to do that. Being full of C-4 and a lot of ball berrings is not being too subtle] or create an 'incident' by blowing up some well meaning native kid.

Covert = silent. Manned watches, maybe a 'can line' lke was used in 'First Commandment'. That's about it.

Active perimeter defense is a more 'active combat' oriented concept. When you know there are a lot of bad guys and nobody minds making a lot of noise.

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