Which power?


are we in the same la la land sin?
cos i havent seen you around here.

maybe we should meet!

Powers? hmmm - time freezing would be really cool --

but that 'orbing' thing is pretty interesting too --- hmmmm -

this is NOT an easy question (harder if you've only seen a handful of episodes)

Originally posted by Jolinar
lol...limbo?? sounds fun :rolly2:

nah..pretty boring....

ot of interest...what is orbing? i never actually knew the names of any of the powers really, apart from time-freezing.
orbing -- okay -if i remember right from the 1st ep that i saw - Paige was being told to work on her orbing - b/c she couldn't do it 'at will' - and Cole leaped into her face and scared her (funny scene) and she 'blinked out' and came back -- i think it's like 'phasing out' -- you don't really go anywhere - you just 'disappear' and reappear -- it's a 'get out of the way' type power -- and again - i THINK - i'm not 100% sure on this one --

the 'teleportation' power would be kinda cool too --- (don't remember is this is linked to the 'orbing' power or not) --

i SO need to see more episodes -
thanks, H2. I want that power!!!!
It would ocme in useful for so many of life's bothers...:D

Sin :)
i think it would -- ya know - if you're in a hurry and someone comes running at you - just orb out of the way --

tho - it could be used to cheat in sporting events -- like, in hockey, when you're about to get checked into the boards - you just orb away and the other player hits the boards instead - tho that's not really fair and takes away from the 'flavor' of the game! ;)
lol :lol:

I'd use it for whenever i saw somoene coming that i didnt wanna see right then...
yeah - that could work too ---

powers of any kind would be nice to have ----

anyone know where we can get some???? ;)
umm...maybe there's a website :D Yiu can get almost anyithng off the internet these days :D

Sin :)
of course if you happen to find a book of shadows in your attic just a 'Power of Three' spell - that could work too. :D
power of three....hmmm....ok, i find book of shadows..that not too hard ;) but two other peeps could be a little difficult :D

Sinni :)
do witch powers work across phone and cable modem lines??

can we be linked via the internet??

if not - yeah - it might be tough to get the 3 ppl together --

I am doing to be completely gready and take them all, but i would most possibly pick telekineisis because then i can move people without them knowing about it.
i agree...

i thought this site had some kinda limit...
i thought it was supposed to be a PG site or something...
