Would you call this show a humerous version of the X-Files? (Lone Gunmen)


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2001
Would you call this show a humerous version of the X-Files?

Now that I look back, I find that's exactly how I described LG to my friends. Never really thought about it, though it does kind of fit.
I disagree

I wouldn't say that. In their entire run. The show didn't have any plots doing with aliens and mutants. I doubt Mulder and Schully, would look into water powered cars, arrested kiddie show hosts, senoir citizen Nazi spys, and such like that.

Even when skinner came over. He was doing hard police work.
I would describe it was a bunch of truth seekers exposing dark conspirisies in a humorous manner. I would even call the show a Dramady.


:rolleyes: PS. Yvette could slaughter Lucy Liu.
I have to agree with Zach. It was not like the X-files. No aliens etc. However it was humerous.

Dramady? I like that term. :D

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