Aircraft through the Stargate?


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2001
Not that Jack & Co. would actually have need of it, but is the Stargate big enough for a small helicopter (OH-6/AH-6 type) to be possibly pushed through? It would have to be with the rotor blades folded or removed. This type of aircraft probably couldn't carry the whole team, though, figuring a pilot would have to go along.
A three hour tour?

You never know.....maybe they would enjoy a helicopter tour of some planet.
The gate wouldn't be a problem. I think even a few jets have some type of modular capability. The real trouble would be getting the aircraft into the SGC. This has also been mentioned about the Stargate itself. It's just too big for the doors we see. :D I have a fan fiction where they put a sizable boat through in pieces. But in the fic story the mission was really importaint for the alliance with the Tok'ra.
Aerial reconnaissance of a planet would be faster and potentially safer than walking around, assuming that there are no unpleasant winged creatures in the vicinity. Heck, for ground transport they could possibly get a HMMWV through the portal. Might be a bit of a squeeze, though.
Just a thought!

Cyn....maybe the gate was put in the room before the rest of the room was complete (no pesky walls in the way). Then they built around it. Just a thought!
Re: Just a thought!

Originally posted by HeyLynny
Cyn....maybe the gate was put in the room before the rest of the room was complete (no pesky walls in the way). Then they built around it. Just a thought!
Well, that's an option. Not to spoil any episode you haven't seen because of location, but if that's the case then how did they install the secondary gate in the gate room? Enquiring minds want to know. :D
Originally posted by Slater
Aerial reconnaissance of a planet would be faster and potentially safer than walking around, assuming that there are no unpleasant winged creatures in the vicinity. Heck, for ground transport they could possibly get a HMMWV through the portal. Might be a bit of a squeeze, though.
Something I've never thought about before is why don't they use them four wheel ATVs? They'd surely fit.
probably because atv's would wreck the show's budget? actually i dont know of a reason other than them being limited by the amount of gas they'd have to carry...

as to the gateroom,well it existed in 1969, well before the gate was moved in

and the gate is 20 feet wide so that limits whatever they put into it...

as to that 'how the heck did they get something that big inside a mountain...'we'll get back to you on that one' ;)
Don't want to spoil a future episode for some of you, but in the summer in u.k., channel 4 screened an ep from season 2 (??) where the guys found a second gate,crated up in pieces and ready to move.
So the answer about getting the gate into the mountain seems to be - it was the original ikea flatpack!
Just to qualify my answer: I work at SG-1 in the art dept.
Could a helicopter wit retracted rotors fit through the gate?
Absolutely. I worked on the .dxf files to manufacture the stargate, its plenty big enough at it's widest point to allow passage of very large cargo, sorry I can't remember the inside diameter at the moment,but it is sizeable.
As for getting a chopper or other large items into the gateroom, one detail you may have forgotten is that the gate is housed 28 floors underground in a deactivated missle silo, so although it would not be easy, anything that could be lowered by crane that could fit through an open icbm missle bay and did not exceed about forty feet in length (the approximate distance from the exterior control room wall to an event horizon surge) could be transported through the gate.
Glad to be of service.
Thanks for the info, Boydo. That's very interesting. Gee, it sure is handy having you here. :) :) :)
Hey they could hire some quads for an episode that wouldn't wreck the budget. Besides which they could be used for when they have to be fast cos the Gou'ald are there- they could save time by driving! :lol::D
In 1969 there was a missle in the gateroom and they had to get *that* in there somewhere, so I figure there's a 28-storey-high, 20+foot wide tube stretching from the top of the gate room to the surface. Why not? Works for me.

As the wise man said, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!:evil:
Yes is very handy to have you around! Do you go on other sites to check out what the fans have to say or to do research for future movies/shows?
Hey, HeyLynny, I have visited a number of other sites and by and large I've been pretty impressed by the work that has gone into them. I have not really made a habit of visiting them on a regular basis as I just don't have the time. I live about an hour's drive away from the studio, and have two daughters waiting for me to get home, so after supper, bedtime stories etc. its all I can do to keep my eyes open. (so much for the glamorous life in the television industry eh?). Besides I spend about half my working day in front of a computer. I did do some research today though for the show I'll be going onto after SG-1 wraps for the season;
its a modern day remake of one of my childhood favourites, Battlestar Galactica. I'm thrilled to be asked to work on it!
BTW I have added THIS site to my favourites folder on my home pc.
Originally posted by Boydo

BTW I have added THIS site to my favourites folder on my home pc.
Now that's what we like to hear. will become your nmew home soon. It's very addictive. We're one big happy family here. :)
ya, & especially check out the New Game-defacing images thread, it's long but hillarious!!!
Battlestar Galactica

Boydo....Battlestar Galactica brings back a lot of memories of my childhood. Sounds like you're an extremely busy guy. I'm glad you found time to hang with us! Keep up the great work! :cool:

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