2.05: Last Call At The Broken Hammer


Sovs Favorite Moderator
Sep 30, 2000
2:05 : Last Call At The Broken Hammer

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Good episode. Especially liked Trance in this one. The way she stood up to that one person. "I'm either crazy or really, really dangerous" Then the way she saved Ortiz. It was almost like she knew what was coming. Also her firing the gun at the end to help in the fight.

Tyr was also good. He knows his strengths versus his weakness. That Dylan is the better one to deal with people while he takes on the military objective.

Definetly a good action episode.
Hmmm :(
Cant say I really liked this one ...I remember thinking at one point I'd like to know the body count, it seemed awfully violent even for the Kalderons
A really very good action ep.

I saw this on Saturday after I'd seen the Andorian
ep of Enterprise--I was in "action mode heaven".

One nit pick though--I thought the Kalderans were supposed to
be "birdlike". Very ugly birds I'd say -lol! It was a violent
intro to a new race I must admit. I think I trust the Pyrians
more. Hope we don't run into them too often.

And I had a "revelation" of sorts--
Dylan knows what Trance is--ok, here's what I came up with----
I tend to agree with Tyr-why bring her along?
Ok. here goes----
Dylan was in special ops some before he got the Andromeda.
Before Andromeda, remember;Rommie has no idea what she is-
Dylan does however.
There have been too many times he's teased her about how she
knows things. She's playing innocent; which I would expect.
I think he recognizes her race and *wants* her along because of it. I don't think Dylan Hunt is stupid at all--he's very smart.
He's playing along with Trance. Good idea.
Perhaps in some of his special ops assignments he's met up with them?? He's just acting too, I don't know, too easy going on this.
Watch out for people that do that--they know something.
And it's the way he looks at her sometimes-like "do you really think you're fooling me?" That smile.

Again, Trance "powers" continue--has anyone ever thought she might be from a race similar to the Time Lords? Ok, I admit it-an
old Whovian here. But they were interesting.
She did know about the little girl the woman was going to have and what she would be--how? She was so positive about it too.
Lucky prediction? Just a thought.

And does this mean we have another ally in Ortiz--that would be great--we need one. Hope to see her later on. I like her.

Originally posted by Stormwatch
A really very good action ep.

Again, Trance "powers" continue--has anyone ever thought she might be from a race similar to the Time Lords? Ok, I admit it-an
old Whovian here. But they were interesting.
She did know about the little girl the woman was going to have and what she would be--how? She was so positive about it too.
Lucky prediction? Just a thought.

And does this mean we have another ally in Ortiz--that would be great--we need one. Hope to see her later on. I like her.


I agree I think Trance is an omnipent being of some kind and is ageless. As for Ortiz its very possible she will be back.

Incidently the pregnant woman was really pregnant and gave birth to a boy lol!!! so Trance was wrong.

How do I know this ...check the credits the actress who played her is Gordon (Harper) Michael Woolvetts wife.
Originally posted by Lonewolf89

I hope so, she seemed pretty interesting.

I want to know what happened to the government on her planet. I dont remember them telling us if she was successful or not.

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