Daily Jack Pic!


Total RDA Junkie!
Aug 8, 2001
Well, The title says it all! I will try to post a picture every day.
Pictures of Jack, MacGyver and general RDA pics!
These are the pictures I have collected on the Internet over the past 3 years and that I secretly? jalously? kept to myself.

There is no copyright infringement intended. Pistures come from all around the net. I can name some websites where I've taken some but a lot I don't remember where so if you see a picture you think was taken from your website without authorization, just tell me, I'll try to fix the problem...

The websites:

Philip's screen captures gallery : www.p3x595.com
RDADs : www.rdads.com
and others...

Well I hope you will enjoy! And don't forget to post your comments and suggestions.

And the first pic!!!!
I just find him so cute and vulnerable when he's injured or on a hospital bed!!!! Yes, I love whumping stories!!!!!


  • col01.jpg
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well, I hope you loved yesterday's pic!
And as promessed, the daily picture.
This one is really cool. check out the look on his face! Adorable! He,s so focused on I don,t know what!

Don't forget, I need feedback to know if I'm doing this for nothing or if you really like that!

Well, enjoy!


  • oneill08.jpg
    5.7 KB · Views: 784
Well I'm certainly enjoying them. And drooling over them.

And I enjoy the whumping. Even when I'm not doing it. I like being the one to comfort him. ;)
Thank you Gemsong for you feedback. it seems your the omly one really enoying these pictures:( Doesn't matter, I'll keep going just for you! ( and a little of me, I like to post pics, go figure!)

So you like whumping? here an other picture with Jack lying on a hospital bed, feeling not so good. Need someone to cheer you up ,Colonel? Maybe a big kiss ( obviously on the foreheaD...:D )!!!


  • oneill01.jpg
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Like I would stop at his forehead. Get serious!;)
hehehe <at gemmy>

you want feedback? okay -- i love 'em -- keep posting 'em!!

btw, gemmy, i wouldn't stop at his forehead either! :naughty:
So you wnat a shirtless pic ,hein? Well I seach trew my database ( I love to imagine my collection of pic as a database!!!), I found this Macgyver pic. It's an old one and he looks silly but that was back in the 80's so...

So here is Mac at the beach!!!


  • mg0.jpg
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And I couldn't stop myself from posting this one!!!

isn't he cute when he,s waking up? I would obviously NOT kiss him on the forehead if I were to wake up next to him !!!:D :rolly2: ;)

PS. I'm sorry if the pic is so small but if I try to enlarge it it's not gonna be in great quality and you won't see a thing. Wouln'd want that to happen, would you?


  • brain1.jpg
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<wracking brain> trying to remember which ep of Mac that pic is from -- the 2nd one -- it's like season 5 or so (b/c his hair is REALLY long!) -- it's.. dang it! i can see the scene in my head, but can't tell ya which ep -- this is so frustrating! now i'm gonna have to suspend my Highlander viewing so i can watch all 140+ eps of MacGyver (yeah, that includes the 2 movies) just to figure out which ep that is!!!!!! <i know, rough life!>

the 1st one isn't that bad - believe me - there are worse shots! that one's from 1st season, that military colonel guy comes and tells Mac that they need him to.... oh hell - i forget -- but Mac was enjoying his vacation and then was interrupted -----
Hi Highlander II...:D

I've just seen "Brief Candle" and Jack was shirt-less...he looked REAL GOOD.......got any pics from that ep?:D :D :D
Oh yah. We need the shirtless Jack collection....

:mumbling to self: Shirtless Jack Clones?

Glad you loved the pics! I loved them so...:rolly2:
Well, I'm sorry Highlander II, I can't help you out with that eps name cause I've only seen 7 eps of Macgyver...:( Can you image it's not even running here in Quebec? despit all the e-mails I've sent to TV channels... I will get really mentally unstable if they don't start showing it on TV real soon!!!! ):evil:

Fortunaly,there are some Mac pics on the net and small Mpeg videos so I can survive, a little longer...!

And I have a pic of Jack from Brief Candle exept that we don't see a lot of his cute tummy. But we DO see part of his large, muscular, handsome, sexy shoulders! (It's about time I get a boyfriend I think!!!!)

:rolly2: :D


  • flyboy18.jpg
    5.8 KB · Views: 693
oH YAH... Nice shoulders...

How about the episode Hathor where he has his shirt open?:cool:
He y! I couldn't find any pics of Jack's cute tummy in my database(!) BUT I found an other bear shoulders one!!!!

Oh and I made a mistake in the last post... The pic is not from Brief Candle but from Broca Divide... This pic is from BC... I can't believe I made such a mistake!


  • flyboy19.jpg
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Look what I've just found surfing !!! Shirtless RDA pics!!!! 2 of them actually . I know they're old but that is still RDA, so...


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