1.01: Welcome To The Hellmouth

i don't know -- but i've heard that she does some of her own fighting scenes and such -

and i know James Marsters does a lot of his own stuff (read that somewhere - he's got experience from his theatre days and such)
I've got a feeling that SMG does have a brown belt in Tae Kwon Do, and shedoes do afew of the fight scenes, just not the really fancy stuff.
That's what I thought I had heard so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for her to do some of those fight scenes. Shoot Chris Potter on Kung Fu: The Legend Continues didn't know any martial arts and he looked convincing. ;)

FX begins again ------

for anyone in the states - FX is beginning it's run of BTVS again on Thursday, 14 March -- "Welcome to the Hellmouth" will be the 2nd episode aired that night - b/c season 5's closer 'The Gift' will air 1st -- (this is b/c FX, in it's infinite wisdom, goofed their airing schedule b/c they insisted on airing some stupid stuff and showing only 1 episode of Buffy on an odd number of nights, thus throwing off the entire schedule) --- so - if you wanna see it all from the beginning -- stay tuned on Thurs 14 March --- (1900 EST) ---

was that a good promo or what? :D

They're showing S1 over here on Sky One again :) the first thing i feel the need to comment on is the length of her skirts (or the non-length), wow! I enjoyed seeing Angel not-brooding on BtVS and making cracks about her height and everything, v.kewl. And Xander's hair is hilarious, as well as Willow's outfits, lol, the poor thing. I'd just watched an S6 ep before this started and the difference was astounding (i mean everyones changed their appearance in some way or form but Willow definitely the most!)

Yeah - and have you heard Joss' commentary on this ep? He mentioned that during S1 Willow was dressed in outfits she wore only once - b/c the network didn't like her looking like 'the softer side of Sears' ---

very interesting commentary ---
You got ur 10,000'th post! CONGRATS!

I'm assuming Sears is some sort of clothes store? I dont think we have them over here?

I wouldnt have figured the Network would have noticed Willow's unflattering clothing, as i thought Buffy was wearing enough of nothing for the both of them.

You're making Buffy sound cheap, and thats not a good thing :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire.
Originally posted by Vampyre
You're making Buffy sound cheap, and thats not a good thing :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire.
lol, i'm making a point. Her clothes reflect her maturity etc, and i was pointing out the fact that her clothes were really short back then, which you cant deny, and then you compare the short skirts of season one with the longer skirts or pants of later seasons. In season 1, Willow and Buffy were stereotyped as the geek in unflattering clothes and the hero in short skirts and pretty. And i'm not saying SMG/Buffy is any less pretty, but she's grown up and matured, and so have her clothes.

Sears is a large department chain-store -

They have them in big shopping malls all over the country (USA)

I'm not sure exactly what it would equate to in Europe - as I'm not familiar w/ shopping establishments there -

And Buffy's not cheap - however, in S1 - the production crew was on a very tight budget and they had to use what they had - basically - the special effects and set ppl had to be "MacGyver" -

Those school hallways you see in S1 - they're all the same hallway -- (bit o' trivia for ya!)
And I know where you got that bit of trivia from, an excellent DVD set...
yes - it is an excellent DVD set --

and so is the S2 one --

I'm *so* waiting for S3 --- the US is takin' too long!!
yeah - though I've heard that the 'extras' on the US releases are different, or that there is more to them ---

so - guess it could be a toss-up there -

Oh - and the reason that the UK and others get the DVDs before the US, is b/c in the US they rerun stuff in syndication until you're almost sick of it ---- and now they've even gotten into running a show on one major network, then rerunning it a couple weeks later on a cable network -- it's very strange -
just thought i'd mention that sky one is showing this season again.

don't they look young!!!!!! LOL

annette :)

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