Not much activity in this forum lately( grr... those writers... give us more cultures...grrr etc).
This is an interestin question kelsi.
Without re-watchin the episode, I know that the link between serpent and bird exists in the creation myth of the Kiche Indians of Guatemala. ( i got this from a book by Lewis Spence(no infringement intended)). He says that in the Popol Vuh, Xpiyacoc and Xmucane are" the ancient serpents covered in green feathers."
And for some reason, this idea is stuck in my head that there was somethin similar in Egypt.
Mabey im gettin confused with the frogs and serpents in the Hermopolian Ogdoad. (but im sure i saw somethin...)
Anyway, im startin to confuse myself, mabey its cos birds and snakes both come from eggs(!), i dunno.
my brain is gettin tired, im gonna go think about this.(itll probably keep me awake!)