
Highlander II

There can be only one!!
Jun 6, 2001
What would The Pretender be w/o that wonderful candy that comes in those cool dispensers?

Jarod's favorite food -- he likes the strawberry ones (well, that's MTW's fave, so, guess it's Jarod's too)

and the PEZ led to other toys: Rubik's Cubes, Mr. Potato Heads, Slinkys (one of my personal faves), and Magic 8 Balls...

and a plethora of others ---

anything else you really liked that Jarod found?

Monkeys in a Barrel and Twinkies. Sugar and cult fave games for our fave Pretender.

If I am correct, he was also stuck on rabbit's feet as well.
you name, Jarod found it -

fake dog poop -

candy corns

the Kama Sutra


Btw - the Jell-o episode -- that was the 1st one i ever saw!

shooting jell-o at ppl would be fun!
Didn't he have matchbox cars, too, or was that another show I am thinking of?

God, H2! You said shooting jello... I just saw an eppy of Cops were they were using rubber bullets, and now I am thinking of Jello bullets..... ramblin' mind
i like the ep where that little girl has to explain to him how to eat an oreo!
okay, I went and asked the parental units, who are big Pretender fans, too, and these are a few that they came up with. i took out the ones that they said that were already mentioned here.

Instant soups (I don't get this one... I didn't see it)
roach motels

student:yeah, he kept telling us that in the event of a nuclear holocaust roaches would be the only thing to survive....that and some one named miss parker
Didn't he have a thing for powdered astronaut food somewhere in there?

I keep having visions of powdered ice cream...

Then again...I'm craving ice cream. :)
Originally posted by Morrigan
okay, I went and asked the parental units, who are big Pretender fans, too, and these are a few that they came up with. i took out the ones that they said that were already mentioned here.

Instant soups (I don't get this one... I didn't see it)

the instand soup one is from the 2nd x-over w/ Profiler -- b/c Rachel tells him she makes a great bouillebase --

he also has Silly Putty, not sure on the matchbox cars - don't remember that -- but i'll let you know --

the one about the oreos is the 2nd ep -- where he's in the Coast Guard - that little girl's dad died b/c the SaR team looked (purposely) in the wrong place for him -- (just watched part of that ep today - forget the title tho)
hmm -- what else -

In "Betrayal" - i guess you could say he discovers pop tarts - 'they have 8 essential vitamins and minerals' --

he 'discovers' (learns about it probably more correct) Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's Day, etc.....

Bazooka Bubble Gum

sex (yeah, he did learn about this - just like everyone else - only a little later than most others)
Curious George!

"To the man in the yellow hat, from the monkey who got away."
well, since he says he was a Carny Barker - we can only assume he discovered carnivals --