Dark Horizons web site is reporting that Shatner may have a cameo in Enterprise


Red Pixie Boot Wearer
Mar 12, 2001
The web site Dark Horizons is reporting that William Shatner MAY appear in an epiosde of the new Star Trek series Enterprise.
The report that is up today (9/26/01) claims that Shatner may play an ancestor of Captain Kirk in the new series.

What do u think ????????
whatever ----

i think it would be cooler for someone like Mark Lenard to do it - have Sarek be around -- however, i have NO idea when he was supposed to have been born -- i know Spock was born in 2230 (think i remembered that right) -- and Enterprise is about 100 before that --- so - guess it's possible ---- maybe ---

i like Spock and Sarek better - but if Kirk's gonna come around - let me just say - they'd better make it good! hehe --
I heard this about Shatner too. It doesn't mean that it's true though.

I think it would be better to have someone like Sarek play a cameo. But someone else already asked this, and I worked out that he would be only about 3. Also unfortunately, MarK Lenard died last year.
well - a 3-yr-old vulcan sounds interesting -- we could learn what vulcan children are like -- are they as wild as human children?

and that is unfortunate about Mark Lenard - i really liked him!

and Leonard Nimoy is 70, so he'd have to play someone along the lines of Spock's great grandfather ---- (i suppose) --- but that would be interesting too -----
interesting... Kirk's grandaddy... would be worth a watch I guess, but there would have to be a good plot reason, rather than just sticking Shatner in there for the sake of it...
Well the way shatner looks these days he could play the grandad... ooooo did i really say that
Brannon Braga has denied the truth in this rumour. Apparently, they want to make Enterprise a stand-alone series to attract new viewers, while still attracting old ST fans. They want to make it as different as they can while still being ST, hence the new theme tune. He says there will not be any character crossovers.
I for one am happy not to see any crossovers at all.....

If its going to work it should do it on its own feet
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