Crew Compliment and their functions.


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Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Crew Complement and their functions.

I was wondering how many crew were on board the Enterprise. Just from watching 'Broken Bow' it seemed to me that it was only the main cast, but then they were having dinner and someone came in with the food, and they said to thank the Chef.

In Star Trek Monthly it says that there is a crew complement of 87. It doesn't say if that includes the dog.

But apart from the main cast, there was no one else in sickbay or engineering, they operated the Transporter themselves, they don't send a lot of redshirts down to get killed on away missions, and they do repairs themselves.

So, I got to wondering what they all do, and how they all fit in. This is a very small ship compared to the later Star Trek ships, it is the first ship to leave Earth's confines. It has frequently been compared to a submarine, but there are no beds in coridoors. We only seen the Captain's quarters and it was small, so do the others share?
i don't suppose knowing about where the crew sleeps is a spoiler, but in case i mention anything else -- i'll leave space -

well, last night, Hiroshi (is that her name? i'm bad w/ them until i watch the show a while) -- requested to change the location of her quarters - she said hers were on the wrong side of the ship and she couldn't sleep well (don't ask) -- and said another crew member had agreed to switch with her -- so, i don't think they share -- they have quarters - i would guess they aren't much larger than what the captain has -

i would also guess that since this is the first attempt, by earth, at space exploration w/ warp drive that they might keep the crew to a minimum -- more like a standard naval vessel than like the NCC-1701-D which had family quarters and such -- perhaps more like a military vessel - but w/ an explorative mission ---

and, it did seem odd that there were no other ppl in sick-bay - just the doc - no nurses or other support personnel --
Thanks for your reply, I guess that we will see more of the crew later. Maybe they were just short of money to pay for extras in 'Broken Bow'.

Her name is Hoshi Sato. Is her constant whinging getting to you yet? If it continues in every episode it will get to me. As I said already there is another Neelix in the making here.
yep -- oh - possibly more spoilers ---

Hoshi's whining? well - she kept complaining about wanting to go home - and that she would rather stay on the ship b/c she could use the Universal Translator (which seems like a super upgraded version of babblefish) w/ less lagtime -- basically - Archer has to kick her in the butt to get her suited up and ready to go --

T'Pol says something to Hoshi and Hoshi then explains why she is on the mission - b/c she's needed -- (basically - T'Pol did something impressive - i still don't like this character) --

then near the end --- (this is the 2nd ep - Fight or Flight i think it's called) --- Archer tells her to forget the translator and just talk to the alien ---- which is actually probably the better way to go - just talk - it'll keep the alien from thinking you're a moron- he'll know you don't speak the language and will probalby be more patient with you than w/ the translator ---

but, yes - if she keeps being really whiny - she's gonna be annoying -- we SO don't need that on the show ---

there's a guy who's all gung-ho too - i can't remember his name - he's the chief engineer - and he wanted to go on the 1st away mission, but is told to stay w/ the ship --- he kinda whined too - but not like Hoshi does ---
In 'Fight or Flight' Archer says to Tucker : "Right now I need you on Enterprise, down there [in Engineering] with your Ensign."

NB. 'Ensign' not 'Ensigns', or 'your team'.

So Engineering has 2 people. Sickbay has one. There is a chef and a delivery boy. 5 other people on the bridge and one dog. No one else seen in the Armory or transporter room. There is no security on away missions. I ask again what do the other 76 people do.

Maybe they pedal the dynamo to work the engines?
in the first ep, i think i saw about 8 people in engineering - (think it was engineering)

and they fired a photon torpedo and showed, i think, one guy pushing a button to make the thing load into the chute - or there was a guy nearby when the torpedo loaded --

but the crew does seem rather sparse ---
Originally posted by Dave
In 'Fight or Flight' Archer says to Tucker : "Right now I need you on Enterprise, down there [in Engineering] with your Ensign."

NB. 'Ensign' not 'Ensigns', or 'your team'.

So Engineering has 2 people. Sickbay has one. There is a chef and a delivery boy. 5 other people on the bridge and one dog. No one else seen in the Armory or transporter room. There is no security on away missions. I ask again what do the other 76 people do.

Maybe they pedal the dynamo to work the engines?

LOL.... just watched this episode tonight,.... not as good as i thought it was
Originally posted by Dave
In 'Fight or Flight' Archer says to Tucker : "Right now I need you on Enterprise, down there [in Engineering] with your Ensign."

NB. 'Ensign' not 'Ensigns', or 'your team'.

So Engineering has 2 people. Sickbay has one. There is a chef and a delivery boy. 5 other people on the bridge and one dog. No one else seen in the Armory or transporter room. There is no security on away missions. I ask again what do the other 76 people do.

Maybe they pedal the dynamo to work the engines?

ummmm......I thought it was "Right now I need you on Enterprise, Down there with you engine"?
I was right? Whoo-Hoo!:D and did everyone see how many ppl were in engineering? so it's not just one person in there
so - are we finding there are more than 25 people on the ship??

hey - btw - how many ppl were on the NCC-1701? w/ Capt Kirk and friends?? we never saw very many ppl - but they always talked about the # of crew members -- (just don't recall catching a number)
