If you had a tardis...


Rain Mystery
Sep 19, 2001
If you had a tardis. Where would you go? Now is the time to have fun and write your imaginings, your time traveling fantasies.
Looking forward so seeing your ideas.
Where would I go? An easier question would be where wouldn't I go!!!!! :D

I'd probably end up like the Doctor and travel all through earths history.......and maybe check out some other places............

Well I can dream afterall :D

:blpaw: :blpaw:
Well I wouldn't want to use a Tardis, at least not Dr Who's Tardis, it was very unreliable and always breaking down.

Where would I go?

Everywhere. I want to see all the historical sites. Does anyone remember 'Time Tunnel'? I wish I could get a job there.

Seriously though, I would be very concerned about creating paradoxes. You know, going to visit the Dinosaurs, stepping on an insect and coming back to find humans don't exist (I think that's a Ray Bradbury story)

The other thing I'd be worried about (and I also said this in another thread) would be 'Time Tourists' -- you know the people who queue up to get to the event first, sit with their deckchairs, and block the view for everyone else!

Hmmm to go into the future, perhaps? To be able to forewarn friends (the true friends that actually listen without scoffing) about the drop in the stockmarket, terror attempts, stuff like that. That would alter the time lines also, creating a paradox.

Ah the risks we take for satisfaction of the curious or demented. :)

I would go back and spy on my present lover, and see how he operated with other woman...no no no..not a good idea. I'm a bit of a jealous sort, and what if he saw me? Heh heh...

Thanks for the response, and keep it up,...there's lots of what ifs going through our minds. Does anyone else have a question to spark the imagination?

Yours Truely,
Justine McFarrow:cool:
Unrealiable transport

Hey, Dave!

Yeah, the doctor always did have trouble with his Tardis, and in a way I saw him as the young H.S guy who worked on an engine more for the fun of it.
wasn't the only reason that the tardis broke down most times because he was always putting off the maintenace and repairs? And also at one stage he actually sabotaged it so that he couldn't be tracked....i think it was just after his first run in with the black and white guardians when romana was still with him.....

I may be wrong though.....please correct me! :D

:blpaw: :blpaw:
IIRC the Doctor originally stole the Tardis and escaped from Galifrey, so he would have had to make temporary repairs to it with cellotape and superglue to keep it going, but then the first Doctor could never seem to control it properly anyway.

Later, after he is punished for interfering with the affairs of other worlds by the Time Lords, and then helps them out on a number of occasions, he has a kind of truce with them. There are even stories set on Galifrey when he is held in quite a high regard and could have even been made president. It is never explained why he didn't make Time to have repairs to it made then, or to even get a more modern Tardis model. If they wanted his help, you would have thought they could supply better equipment.
Originally posted by Dave
Seriously though, I would be very concerned about creating paradoxes. You know, going to visit the Dinosaurs, stepping on an insect and coming back to find humans don't exist (I think that's a Ray Bradbury story)

hi guys me again another thing NEO is that thing was in one of the simpsons halloween epiodes remember homer asking for a donut then when he thinks that their are none he goes back in time again and it starts raining Donuts he built a time maching by 'repairing' a toaster it was cool
tell me if u know what i am on about this time
[Qwxy: homer... built a time maching by 'repairing' a toaster it was cool tell me if u know what i am on about this time]

Absolutely right Q, it was one of, I think, three stories in a Halloween episode. Homer was lost in parallel universes that he accidentally created each time he traveled to prehistoric times.

He keeps going back, trying different things to re-create his world. In the end, he arrives in a world very much like his own, except when his family sits down to eat, they have long tongues that snatch the food off their plates.

Homer decides that this reality is close enough to his own, that he settles for it.
[Galadriel: Wasn't doctor who in the Simpsons once?]

Yes, several times in fact.


Honorable Mention:

In episode #3F12, 11-Feb-96, the comic book guy comes out of a "Tacomat" fast food shack with a wheelbarrow full of tacos for the "Dr. Who" marathon


In episode #3F08, 26-Nov-95, when Sideshow Bob gains control over a nuclear weapon and tries to ban televison, there is a scene in an underground bunker where the representatives of TV have gathered and they are: Kent Brockman, Krusty, Chesperito, Tom Baker as The Doctor and an adult Steve Urkel.


In episode #5F13, 22-Mar-1998:

Skinner: We have a very special visitor today, but he's no ordinary visitor. In fact, [almost chuckling] you might say--

Bart: He's a robot. We saw him on the way in.

Skinner: [loses enthusiasm] Thank you, Bart. All right, come in, they know.

(A Dr. Who-esque robot [on wheels] rolls into the classroom.)

Skinner: Kids, this is Robbie the Automaton.

Robot: [in robotic voice] Greetings, Earth children.

Lewis: Where are you from?

Robot: [pauses] ...Earth.

Bart soon spots a man using a remote-control running the robot and hits the man with his slingshot, causing the control to turn to "Crush, Kill, Destroy". The Doctor-bot attacks Principal Skinner, then the scene ends.


In episode #AABF05, 20-Dec-1998, at a SciFi convention, you can see Tom Baker as The Doctor signing autographs with the TARDIS beside him.

This is the episode guest-starring Mark Hamill, where Homer becomes Mayor Quimby's bodyguard by saving him and Mark from rampaging nerds.


In episode #BABF01, 31-Oct-1999, when Bart & Lisa gain super-powers, they come up against The Collector, who is actually, the comic book guy. He has collected several life-sized "action figures", in giant unbreakable poly-bags, who are the real actors. One of them is Tom Baker, whom The Collector mistaken refers to as Dr. Who, instead of The Doctor.


OB-Wan, your friendly neighborhood research guy.
[Dave: Well I wouldn't want to use a Tardis, at least not Dr Who's Tardis, it was very unreliable and always breaking down.]

If I remember correctly, didn't The Doctor steal his TARDIS from the maintenance area where it was scheduled for repair? That's why it's couldn't change it's exterior appearance and didn't navigate very well.

(By the way, I'm not picking on you, but since I know you can take constructive criticism, I'm going to use you to remind everyone that the TARDIS is all caps, because it's an anagram - Time And Relative Dimension In Space - and The Doctor is his name. Dr. Who is the name of the show, it's a pun, remember - Doctor who? I'm not going to a stickler for such things, but I thought the forum could use a reminder.)

[Dave: Where would I go?]

There are so many possibilities that it's difficult to decide. I wish I could go back and talk to myself about the many mistakes I have made in my life - at least three major ones that I can think of. There are probably more, I don't remember.

Or would I try to save lives by killing Hitler or preventing 9/11?

[Dave: Seriously though, I would be very concerned about creating paradoxes... The other thing I'd be worried about (and I also said this in another thread) would be 'Time Tourists']

Yes, there's the rub. Humans are just not equipped in any way to wield that kind of power. It's like giving a child an atom bomb.

[Dave: ...Does anyone remember 'Time Tunnel'?]

Yep, I'm that old. I remember the premiere episode when they got trapped on the Titanic.

You know, it never occurred to me before, but Dr. Who started in 1963 and Time Tunnel in 1966. You don't think that Irwin Allen may have "borrowed" the idea of a malfunctioning time machine and with his American approach made it a top-secret government project instead of a rebellious vagabond alien? We will never know, but...

The one thing we do know is that Time Tunnel lasted one season and Dr. Who lasted 33+ years.

[Dave: It is never explained why he didn't make Time to have repairs to it made then, or to even get a more modern Tardis model.]

Oh, come on, Dave, do you really have to ask? The Doctor, in any of his incarnations, was never interested in efficiency.

The Doctor loved, and I think believed in, the serendipity of happenstance (try saying that three times real fast). To put it in American terms, The Doctor would have been a lot more comfortable in the South, like perhaps Mayberry, than he would ever have been in a New York brokerage office.

[Galadriel: ...in a way I saw him as the young H.S guy who worked on an engine more for the fun of it.]

YES! That's the way of it. Just as a High School student may not be primarily concerned with fixing something as he would with understanding it and adding his own personal twist to it.
I agree... the thing was way to unreliable. I'd be afraid i'd get stranded somwhere/time. Maybe that would be a good place to go to... what was the name of the place where Timelords go to regenerate and fix their time machines? Am I remembering correctly? There was some planet they went to.

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