Blakes 7 Season 2

This is the one where blake has disappeared, isn't it? I actually remember those episodes more as a kid - by the time you got to meet blake again he was practically a myth within the series.

When do they capture the Liberator? And when is it destroyed?
I think Liberator is destroyed at the end of season 3 but I'm no expert and could be well off the mark (my memory's not what it used to be) :D
The original cast are still there for season 2, then at the start of season 3 Blake and Jenna are gone and Avon Callie and Vila remain on the Liberator which is when Tarrant and Dana join the crew. At the end of season 3 the Liberator is destroyed, and at the start of season 4 is when Callie leaves us :( and Soo-Lin replaces her...
Yeah, Vila is really funny. They'll probably a bit cardboard-cut-out, but at least they arne't typical too-good tv sci-fi heroes. My mum hates Blakes 7 and can't understand why I watch it, nor can I, really, but somehow I always do want to watch it.
Well folks, after much delay, season 2 has an official release date of October 4th. And about time too says I. :D

Let's hope they've solved the layer change problem present on some season 1 discs (including my own dammitall!)
The discs tended to freeze when changing layer (which always happened in the middle of an episode - extremely frustrating) :mad: At least it was a relief to find that it was a production problem and not my beloved player :)
I wish I could get them on video, there weren't any left in the shop last time I looked.
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