Looking for short story citation (I know I read it somewhere!)


New Member
May 4, 2004
I am trying to remember the title and author of a short story I read....It is written in the first person and starts off with something like "I know that you probably won't believe this; I hardly believe it happened myself...." In the story, the protagonist has some sort of accident at work and wakes up in a dystopian city where all of the people are basically nameless, grey, identified only by job and (government assigned) serial number....Eventually the protagonist starts to ask probing questions and gets some sort of reprogramming. I think that the name of the story was something like "Oblivion", but I'm not sure, and the city might have had a name like Endroid.

Can you help, please? This is driving me crazy.....

It sounds interesting - but I'm afraid I was never very good with shorts. See if someone else can help.

Oh - and welcome to the chronicles-network. :)
I think I know this story. Did they wear asbestos suits, and did he wake-up on a bed in a museum?
Nope, not it, polymorphikos, but thanks for the suggestion. And thanks everyone for the welcome and for looking through your brains (or libraries)....A gold star for the one who can figure this one out....I *know* it's out there!!!
Do you have any other clues? Any possible authors? What about approximate publishing date (ie, it is 1950's, 1990's, etc). What sort of anthology might it have been in - ie, a Nebula award winners anthology? Any other details can only help. :)
