Stargate Spinoff?

Controlled timetravel through the Stargate would be a cool step forward.

I don't think a building a spaceship gate on earth would be too good...isn't the entire point of the gate that you don't need spaceships to travel through space?

...although it they made a giant gate that just sorta floats there in space, for the sole purpose of transporting ships over distances too great for them to normally handle...
I've had another idea ...

The proposed title is "Stargate : Atlantis" so I've tried to think of ideas around that, how about this.

All the characters are set in the time of Atlantis - NO SGC, no modern technology.

The Ancients arrive on earth for the first time, befriend the Atlantians and setup the gate system. Taking Atlantis as a place to host the gate as a means of travel between many planets. (forget Egypt, the gate could have been moved there by the Goa'uld).

This then gives us a similar style of story telling that we have with the current Stargate SG-1. The Goa'uld aren't a developed race yet - they still use the first ones (Unas) but there could be other types of enemy.

The Atlantians were supposed to have advanced technology that was lost when the world sunk so the writers could invent all sorts of cool stuff. I don't know that much about the Atlantis mythology so if anyone could fill in the gaps that would be cool.
I read somewhere recently that some people believe that there were very advanced races who eventually destroyed their world long before the time of the Egyptians and most of their technology was also lost. This could maybe tie in with the Atlantis idea of yours, Sphinx. A completely different world that existed, that disappeared thousands of years ago - all except the Stargate that is. And that is our link to SG1.
Wish I could remember where I read that... :cool:
Now that I think of it, controlled timetravel through the gate is completly reasonable. We see two instances to proove this.

In 2010 we see that Sam knows how to predice the solar flairs that trigger the time travel.

In 1969, SG-1 overshoots in their return and lands too far in the future. Cassy instantly opens the wormhole that takes them through time to the present.

...2010 shows us that gate time travel can be controlled with the proper equipment. 1969 showed us that in at least one possible future, the SGC gain the technology to open time wormholes at will to whatever year they want.

I think it would be cool if the series was filmed through the Goa'uld eyes, possibly start the series back in egypt when the Goa'uld started enslaving the human race, im sure they see themselves as the good guys and everyone else evil.
Re: Goa'uld

Originally posted by adamsh
I think it would be cool if the series was filmed through the Goa'uld eyes, possibly start the series back in egypt when the Goa'uld started enslaving the human race, im sure they see themselves as the good guys and everyone else evil.

Interesting idea - I like it! :rolly2:
yeah, interesting!!

it might not catch on as well, if "we" <<the audience>> were the bad guys, tho...
what does Stargate have to do with Atlantis? why would it POSSIBLY be called that?!!
Some of the "spoilers" to the Stargate II movie refer to Atlantis. The name is being changed due to prior copyrights to the name "Atlantis" owned by other companies.
Originally posted by spider
No, something Sea Quest-ish would not be good. This new SG series needs to be something completly unique unto itself.

Too right! I used to watch Sea Quest wa-ay back. Loyd Bridges was in it, I seem to remember - as a very young man...

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
Originally posted by shu_hunter
what does Stargate have to do with Atlantis? why would it POSSIBLY be called that?!!

It's not as strange as it seems .. I'm currently reading a book about the Atlantis Blueprint and already I can see some obvious comparisons with Stargate. Many people assume that the land of Atlantis was destroyed and sank beneath the sea’s - A popular aspect of the whole myth. There are many theories on the subject and different angles on the story. The theory in this particular book fits quite well. It explains that it was more likely that the location of Atlantis moved. Imagine the earth as one mass of land that over time drifted apart … Atlantis has just moved.

The SGC may have already used the Atlantean stargate as the expected shift of Atlantis was to the Antarctic region – where Carter and O’Neill gated to in Season 1 episode “Solitudesâ€. The reason for a second gate on earth would then become clear – the first gate at Atlantis was lost with the continent and then re-discovered by the SGC with DHD.

In addition we have the current set of spoilers on the new Season 6 episode called “Frozen†which I won’t go into here but is mentioned on various fan based sites/spoiler lists which would add more evidence to this theory.

Anyway – as I read anything more I’ll keep you all posted.
Thinking on - we have seen most of the Goa'uld actually being characters represented in popular myth in earth's history. There has always been a theme that the Goa'uld had existed on Earth in some guise. It makes sense that the spinoff would also try and keep in with this theme.

By discussing possible charactars from mythology we could probably fit them into "the pattern" thereby giving clues to the nature of the spinoff.

Just an idea ?
RDA kind has a head start - kind of - he made a MacGyver movie that was named "the Return to Atlantis."

the future??

has anyone else heard the rumour that stargate atlantis is kind of in the past...? someone told me that it was, and i wondered if maybe this is the evolution of the stargate people have been talking about...whadda ya say?

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